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Roughly a month and a-half later, Bobby was almost as closeta fully recovered as he was gonna get without that spinal surgery, so Stonie cleared him to go back out on tour. However, the doctor'd added the stipulation that Nikki go with him, if only to help him out backstage and on the bus since he was closing in on six months pregnant, although he definitely didn't look it. That was perfectly agreeable to both bassists, and even the rest of Poison-even CC, who wasn't really getting along with any of them.

That was what'd led to Nikki currently helping with setup, mostly by getting his mate's gear ready to go, at their Nottingham, England show. The younger bassist was sitting backstage, practicing and warming up with one of his acoustic basses since he'd nothing better to do. It was as much to get ready for their show as it wasta distract himself from the massive amounts of alcohol that were sitting around at the moment.

Bobby hadn't touched a drop of alcohol since even suspecting he was pregnant, although that'd been almost as bad for his and their kit's Health as if he'd kept drinking. He was so addicted-despite his attempts not to go down that route-after Poison's breakthrough that he hadn't been able to go a Day without a single drink at some point. It was only his pure stubborn Nature combined with having gone to AA between missing his heat and telling his mate he was pregnant that'd gotten him straightened out. Some Days were harder than others, especially with the constant in-fighting in his band, but he was determined not to hurt his unborn kit, if it could be avoided by not making certain choices.

Once their gear was set up and the older bassist'd covered his six for Sound check, the guys came backstage to just hang out and get changed into their stage clothes. He was glad he was just barely showing, given his strong torso and height, 'cuz while he couldn't wear skin-tight clothes anymore, at least he didn't have to wear a tent. It made it easier to hide his condition from those who didn't need to know, which were mostly the fans and press since he still didn't want being a Fertile to get out. To that End, since the press'd gotten Wind of him supposedly dating a girl that was actually a friend, they'd come up with a plan.

"Hey, Bobby!"

Looking up from his bass, the younger bassist saw friend he was now legally married to. "Hey, Mishy!"

"Oh, it's so good to actually see ya again!" the beautiful young woman said as she sat down beside him. "How're ya feeling?"

"Definitely better," he answered, setting his bass on a stand. "Let's head to my dressing room, though-I wasn't long from heading there so I could start getting ready."

"Sounds good," Mishy agreed, nodding as she got up to follow him.

Once in the dressing room, he grabbed her for a hug. "I still can't thank ya enough for agreeing to that stupid publicity marriage, Mishy."

"Like I said before, ya ain't gotta," she laughed, Returning the hug. "Granted, wearing this faux pregnant belly ain't exactly fun, but hey-anything for a friend, right?"

"Still..." Bobby said, blushing slightly as he rubbed his own belly.

"So, how's the lil man doing?" his friend asked, gently rubbing the very slight swell.

"He's doing great," he answered with a grin. "Loves keeping Mama up all Night with his dancing, but hey, I guess I knew it was coming, huh?"

"I'm guessing your neck's doing better, if ya got cleared to tour again?" Mishy asked curiously.

"Yeah, Stonie said that as long as my mate's with me to help me mostly backstage and on the bus, I'm pretty much good to go for another month or so," the younger bassist answered.

"I'm still curious about who this mate of yours is since ya keep mentioning them, but won't say anything else," she admitted, giving him a look.

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