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When Poison finally concluded their Native Tongue tour by finishing up the Hollywood Rock show in Rio de Janeiro that was technically on January twenty-first, but ran into the wee hours of the twenty-second, they’d all had it. Bobby was exhausted from now being almost seven months pregnant, not to mention moody as ever from being so hormonal as a result. Rockett was so deep in the bottle after Richie’s bombshell a couple months ago, the younger bassist’d swear he was kissing the bottom instead of sipping the mouth. Bret was drinking almost as much, and it was getting pretty obvious that he was doing other shit, too, ’cuz he kept fucking up on his insulin doses way more than he had in the Past.

        None of his family was home when the bus dropped him off in Thousand Oaks, and the younger bassist was grateful. That meant he’d a bit of Time to get inside, put his stuff down, and maybe catch a desperately-needed nap before he’d to put up with two hyper toddlers that’d be glad to see him again. Once again, he hadn’t been able to sleep on their flight, the Change in cabin pressure making his neck act up to the point that, even drop-dead exhausted, sleep was impossible.

        After managing to get his bags up to the master suite without throwing his back out or otherwise hurting himself and/or his kit, Bobby headed for the bathroom. He’d decided on the way upstairs that he’d unpack later, if his mate didn’t get home and decide to do it for him. Right now, a potty break and a nap was higher on his list than anything else, or he was gonna be really crabby once his boys did get home. Course, even with no sleep and an unborn kit who seemed to love using him as a dance studio again, he supposed he should be thankful he could still see to aim and didn’t have to sit just to piss quite yet.

        Once he’d relieved himself and stripped down to his boxers, he headed for the bed with a loud yawn, arms stretched over his head. He might love being a mama and be excited to add to the family, but that didn’t mean he’d to like every part of pregnancy. Being so tired with a kit who squirmed and wiggled most when he just wanted to sleep were two of those things.

        “Mmmm,” the younger bassist hummed, getting settled in the bed he’d missed as his lil girl squirmed. “Chu needsta finds teh Off button on teh wiggles so Mama can seeps, chu booger.”

        As if responding to him, his squirmy lil kit finally settled down, and he couldn’t help a smile as he rubbed his belly.

        “Now, that’s more like it, baby girl,” Bobby murmured. “Gets chu own good nap-nap while Mama’s catching one, too.”

        The kit seemed to prod at his hand with her foot as if saying, Okay, Mama–seep good.

        “Mama luz chu, lil booger,” he said softly, knocking out almost as soon as his head hit his pillow.

Upon arriving home with the boys–whom he’d to take to the studio with him today–Nikki felt that something was off within the house. There was another Energy here that hadn’t been in recent months, and he was a bit wary as he closed the front door. He didn’t care that it seemed familiar–with two toddlersta defend, he wasn’t about to take any chances, especially if he didn’t have to.

        Making sure Zep and Aidan were Hidden in a lil safe Space only those who lived here knew about, the older bassist started checking every room of the house. When he didn’t find anyone–or anything–outta place in any of the rooms downstairs, he started making his way upstairs. He’d already Conjured up his favorite pistol, the weapon held before him police-style as he made sure to keep his steps absolutely Silent on his way up the staircase. If there was anybody here who shouldn’t be, he didn’t wanna alert them to his presence just yet so he could find out what they were up to.

        Every room he checked upstairs was completely empty aside from furniture, clearly undisturbed by anybody that coulda broken in. The last place he needed to check was the master suite, and he raised his pistol again as he headed in that Direction after checking the final guest suite. He wasn’t too sure what, if anything he was expecting as he grabbed the doorknob, but it certainly wasn’t what he found after inching open the door, again to avoid giving himself away.

Flesh and Blood (Sequel to Poison'd Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now