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Over the next couple months, the rest of the band decided that it was better to ditch CC and his obvious problems since he wouldn't even try to get cleaned up and started the search for a replacement. Bobby honestly felt like they were right back at square one where they'd been back in the mid-eighties, when they'd first come out to Los Angeles. It seemed like a revolving door of people who claimed to be huge fans and know all the material-or at least, be willing to learn what they didn't already know-but none of them seemed to jive with the rest of the band on one level or another.

There were guys and girls alike, pretty much ranging from barely legal to older than even the remaining trio were. It seemed that all the girls who came in to audition were just as good with their playing as the guys, but they seemed to have more of a one-track mind for flirting. And the majority of their flirting seemed to be directed at the drummer-who was happily engaged-and the bassist.

Eventually, the trio settled on one young gun who was as much a musical prodigy as Nikki was, given that he could play damn near anything that got thrown into his hands. With his long, Dark hair and obvious Youth, they thought that while he'd potential to be molded into just about anything, he could inject a new Energy into the band that they desperately needed. That was what ultimately led to the young man-Richie Kotzen-being hired as a full-fledged member of the band, which gave him just as much Creative Freedom in the writing and recording process as the others had. It seemed to be something they'd be able to work with, even if it gave them a drastic Change from their original party-rock Sound.

About a month after they'd hired their new guitarist, Bobby's birthday was rolling around again, and it almost seemed surreal that he was about to turn twenty-eight. Having his boys-even though he wouldn't give them up for shit-ran him and his mate both ragged, so he oft felt older than what he really was. Now he kinda, sorta knew how the older bassist felt when he said that about practically having twins on top of dealing with his own band's inner turmoil.

"Bobby, sweetheart."

A soft grunt preceded the younger bassist squirming where he'd still been sacked out in bed, the boys snuggled up to his sides. "Whaaaat?"

"You're being summoned," Nikki chuckled softly, a hand gently stroking his bare chest. "Time to get up."

"Don't wanna," he grumbled, readjusting his head on his pillow.

"Guess I'm just gonna go tell Bret I gotta work on my Resurrection spell, then," he snickered as he straightened.

"Wait, what?" Bobby forced open his eyes and sat up a bit. "Bret's here?"

"Your entire band, ya goof," the older bassist chuckled. "Apparently, you've called out a few too many Times for their liking, and it's your birthday."

He couldn't help the blush that colored his cheeks. "Shit, I do need to get up, don't I?"

"Mmm, hmm." His mate leaned down to give him a gentle kiss. "Happy birthday, though, sweetheart."

"Grazie motto, mio Stregone Musica," the younger bassist said, still blushing.

Nikki gently grabbed the boys, who weren't very happy about being woken up before they were ready, so he could go change them while the younger bassist took his own potty break. Said younger bassist stretched, wincing slightly as he rubbed his neck, but headed off to do his thing so he could get downstairs. Bret might be leading the pack for a bit of a birthday celebration, but he also knew he didn't show up here at the house over his calling out till he'd just about had it.

By the Time he got downstairs, his mate'd already gone down with the boys, who were shyly hiding their faces from young Richie since they'd never met him. He couldn't help a smile as he took a back way into the kitchen, not wanting to greet any of his band mates without coffee. Those two might be a handful, but they were his own personal handful, and he loved them with everything in him.

Flesh and Blood (Sequel to Poison'd Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now