Mind of Stone

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I walk to the only place I find true peace. It was an old recording studio. About a block away from my house. I sit in the chair and press record on the stereo. I start singing Elastic Heart by Sia. I hear the bell on the door ring, but I jußt continue singing figuring it was the manager, Dave. He was used to seeing me here. Instead when I finish I hear clapping and look up to see four boys standing there.

"You sing beautifully" the tallest boy said.

"Uhh... Not really, but thanks"

I get up to walk out but I feel a hand on my arm. I look up and see the same boy holding my arm. He smiles then says...

"Wait would you like to hang out with my brothers?"

Can he see my loneliness? I thought to myself.

"Su...sure" I manage to stutter out and they just laugh.

"Don't worry we don't bite" one of the other boys says, he looked skinny and kinda tall. I think he was twins with the other scrawny one.

I laugh and then follow them out the door.  I hang with them for the rest of the day. We ended up going to the movies and then to a gym. They taught me how to do a backflip. I had a lot of fun with them, but it was finally time to go back "home". I exchange numbers with the tallest one named Darius and am on my way.

It takes me about ten minutes to get home. I turn the knob on my front door silently hoping my mother wouldnt hear me.

"Get in here Slut!" She yells.

So much for trying to be quiet I think to myself. I walk over to where my mother was standing.

"Don't ever be late again." She growls.

"Its only seven." I state.

"I don't care!" She yells, slapping me across the face. I run up to my room and slam the door shut. I slide down the door and start to cry. Every single emotion comes out and I scream, punching the wall. In so tired of feeling this way. I go to my bathroom and grab my razor blade. I lift up my shirt and swipe it across my stomach, ribs, and waist. I let the blood drip and then pull down my shirt. I go and lay on my bed feeling numb and fall asleep thinking about how to get out of here.

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