Elastic Heart

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"Hey Izzy!" Darius says wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Hey!" I sqeeze him tight before letting go.

"What do you wanna do?" Darius asks staring at me.

"Whatever you wanna do"

"You hungry?"

"Starving!" I say over dramatizing it. Darius just laughs and smiles.

On our way there we listen to music. After about 15 minutes their song Whoa come on. Darius starts singing and I couldn't help but laugh at his goofiness. He keeps singing and dancing all the way to the restaurant. When we arrive Darius gets out and opens my door for me.

"Ma Lady"

"Thanks" I giggle while getting out.

As we walk into the restaurant, I feel the rush of spices tickle my nose.

"Ugh it smells so good in here"

"I agree" he says as our waiter brings us to our seats.

We are sat at a booth next to this giant window. I stare out the window as Darius looks at the menu.

"Know what your getting?"

"No not yet" I say snapping out of my day dream. I quickly look over the menu and find what looked most tastiest.

When our waiter comes Darius orders and then me. I couldnt help but think to myself, how cute he was as I watched him sip on his water.

"What are you staring at?"

"Nothing" I say as I snap my head back to the window all I hear is a chuckle escape his mouth. I stare out tbe window until our food comes and then we eat.

When we walk out of the restaurant we both comment on how nice it is outside.

When we get in the car Darius drives to a park.

"Why are we at a park?" Although I wasnt complaining cause I didn't want to go home.

"Come sit." I watch Darius sit on a swing, so I hesitantly sit on the swing next to him.

"Why" I suddenly blurt out.

"Why what?" He asks confused.

"Nevermind" I say, I didnt want to have another deep heart wrenching conversation about how much I hate myself and about my mother.

"Ok" he says looking down.


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