Memories... Darkness...

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Bryan's POV~

I wake up from the nightmare again, I hear my phone go off, "huh?", I pick up the phone to find Molten had sent me a text, "Hey Bryan, you coming to work today?", I feel confused of why he would need me, I just get ready for work, I put Fredbear in my backpack and walk to work...

I walk through the door to find, Michael, Elizabeth, Mom, Springbonnie and Molten, "What's gonna on?", Molten smiles, "Well....Today is the day we help you remember your Father!", I smile, "Yeah, little brother, we'll help you!"...

Everyone was now fully aware of the fact that I was not who I thought I was, they supported me, Lefty said he knew who my dad was and was about to say his name but Elizabeth and Michael dove at him, "Let him find out himself!!", I just watch this unfold, I make my way to the back room, I see Springbonnie was looking for something, "Hey, you looking for something?", he turns to see me, "Yeah... I was looking for an old photo of your dad but I misplaced it...", I offer to help him look for it, I open a crate and find a photo, "Is this it?"...

", I offer to help him look for it, I open a crate and find a photo, "Is this it?"

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I notice the man in the purple suit, "Wait...", the man... Isn't that... I was out of reality...

"Chris, its time for the Family Photo", I see myself spring up from the bed, rush out to the photo, mom was setting up the camera, "Alright... 3...2...1...Say Cheese!", she put the camera on timer to rush in, once we got the photo done my dad bent down to my height, "I have something for you.", I see myself look up, he pulls out a Golden bear, "I thought you might like it.", I grab the bear and hug it, "I knew it."...

I was back in reality, "Bryan...", I look at Springbonnie..., "Are... You... My dad??", I see him shuffle a little..., "Yeah... I'm your dad...", I smile... I hug him, "Thank you.", Once I remembered everything I start to feel sick, "Dad...?", he looks at me, "Yes?", I feel my eyes start to slow, "I don't feel... Good...", last thing I remember was passing out...

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