팔 (8)

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Jeonghan was in a bad mood.

He tried keeping it together for the sake of the kids. He really did but it was not an easy thing to do when problem after problem came barreling down on him.

It all started two nights before the dinner, when Joshua came to check on Seokmin after the bunny incident. That night just as Jeonghan was about to doze off, Chan's loud cries pierce through the baby monitor making him hurriedly left the room to check on him, worry filling him as the sound of the baby's cries did not sound good.

He arrived at the nursery and there Chan was, wailing as he lays in his crib. Face red as fat tears ran down his chubby cheeks.

Jeonghan gently lifts the baby and cradled him in his arms, swaying side to side as he softly hush the baby and wipes his tears away. A frown forming on his face when he felt the baby's body warmer than usual.

Jeonghan continues to hush the baby as he carefully made his way to the bathroom where he took Chan's temperature with a thermometer. When the temperature result read above normal, the worry within the long haired male heightens as he left the bathroom and went back to his room where he dialed Joshua's number.

Joshua answered at the third ring and Jeonghan didn't hesitate to invite the man over, again as he had been to house earlier to check on Seokmin, but the man didn't complain and instead reassured the long haired that everything will be alright. He promised to get to the house as soon as he can before ending the call.

So Jeonghan waited for his bestfriend to arrive and while he did, he changed Chan's nappy and gave him a bottle. He tried lulling the baby back to sleep but Chan only whined. Now he stares up at his tired father with wide eyes as both of his chubby hands clutches on his second bottle of milk.

Soon Joshua arrived and immediately gave the baby a check up. Despite it being already midnight, Joshua did his job perfectly and was able to identify what's causing the baby's sudden above normal body temperature.

The baby began sneezing and coughing halfway througn the check up, therefore justifying Joshua's conclusion.

"Little Channie here has Flu but there's no need to worry because All Channie needs is plently of rest, lots of liquids in him like water and some paracetamol drops. He will be good as new tomorrow," Joshua smiled down at the baby who laid on the bed, looking up at him with those beautiful round eyes of his as he drools all over his fist that was shoved in his mouth.

Joshua cooed and ran soft fingers on the baby's pudgy tummy causing the baby to burst into fits of his adorable laugh.

"Thank Josh for coming in on such late notice. I just......didn't know who else to call," Jeonghan said as he walk Joshua to the front door of the house, Baby Channie on his arms finishing his second bottle of milk.

"I'm glad you called me and you don't need to thank me everytime i do something for the boys. They're like my boys too and I would move heaven and earth for them. " Joshua chuckled as he slip on his coat then his shoes back on, "besides, I'm a 24/7 On-Call Pediatrician, so working this late is nothing new for me. You know that,"

Jeonghan adjusts the now whiny baby in his arms as he smiled a tired smile, " Are you sure you don't want stay over Josh? You can stay in Jihoon's room. It's too late to drive home."

"You're too kind Hannie but I will have to decline. I need to go because I have to make sure my son doesn't burn my house down. He was hungry when I left," Joshua chuckled as he steps out of the front porch with Jeonghan smiling behind him.

"Yeah, I think you should go home," Jeonghan chuckled in agreement, knowing all too well that Jihoon can't cook to save his life and he learned that the hardway.

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