Chapter 1

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"Do not cry Elentiya...I love you." he whispered to her as he took his final breath. Her beloved, Gavriel the Lord of Perranth; they found each other after the passing of his parents Lady Elide and Lord Lorcan Lochan. He was merely 25 and she was 20, for a fae, she had settled early. As he grew old and  more fragile, she had remained young; her immortal curse. The man who was her entire life had died, she had given him nothing, no heirs to Perranth. As her regrets and emotions piled up, she desperately covered the room in wyrdmarks reading open, her blood and overwhelming power combined as her control slipped from her.

A hole simply appeared in the world, a hole containing snow covered mountains and starlight. Elentiya did not register what it was and jumped through the hole, too broken to care who or what she could encounter. She tumbled through the world, ground and trees now becoming visible at an alarming rate as she collided with something that knocked her into oblivion.

It could have been minutes, hours or days since she had awoken in that world, laid face down in the snow, surrounded by forests and mountain. It hit her then, lost, she was lost in a world entirely different to her own and she decided she did not care. Like a drunkard, she stumbled through the forest in search for something. Anything. Food, water, or  company to fill the gaping hole inside her that threatened to consume her. She walked night and day, slaying whatever crossed her path with nothing but the fire and ice that roared within her.

It must have bee at least 5 days after she had awoken, until Elentiya stumbled upon a voice. Come with me fireheart, I know what you seek. I will help you return. Come here. The voice was as old as time, whispering sugar coated words, no doubt hiding something beneath it. She followed the voice, entranced by its words. She followed it into the darkness that lay deep within the forest, she did not care that her instincts screamed at her to run. We will help you in return for a price. It whispered. "I have nothing." She said, voice strained from the lack of use. Give us anything. "I have nothing to give." She repeated slowly, as she became aware of herself and her surrounds. Her golden skin was coated with dirt and her arm were skinnier than she remembered. The tips of her shoulder-length golden hair seemed to be filled with pine needles. Then we shall take you, our feast. That voice that beckoned her seemed to have darkened, the sugar coated words no more. "No." She declared, the darkness of the forest began to close in on her, fear ripping through her. "No." She ran towards the way she had came, yet the darkness had surrounded her. She slammed her fist into it, threw her fire into it in attacks that would have left most creatures in ashes. The darkness snarled at her, refusing to yield to her. You're ours. Rage snaked its way into her veins, into her mind, into her every breath until she exploded. She let go of that tether that kept her in her faerie body and shifted into her side she rarely showed her world, her Phoenix form. One sweep of her wing had incinerated the darkness that caged her, yet she did not stop as she dove into her power, dove into her raging fiery soul.

 Elentiya soared over the mountains, her calls to the world filled with grief and despair. She lay waste to the mountains beneath her until she was surrounded by warm, star-flecked darkness and five winged beings. Winged fae. They looked like fae with large bat like wings and her eyes were immediately drawn to a raven haired male with steely blue eyes. Beautiful, the most beautiful male in she had ever seen stared right back at her. "That slayed the Naga?" The female to his right hissed, as she took in Elentiya, her eyes were the same as the male's next to her. They began to circle her, closing in on her. Elentiya knew she had no chance of fighting all five at once, to the beautiful males left, was another male, who looked similar to him except with starry violet eyes, next to him were two fae adorning red and blue jewels. Shift she whispered internally as she reached for the tether to her fae body. She plummeted to the ground, with her eyes shut tight bracing for the impact, yet no impact came as she was suspended in midair by shackles of darkness. Her magic thrashed against it yet she was too drained to burn away the darkness.

"What are you?" The violet eyed male swept in front of her, holding her gaze. As she refused to answer, the two jewel adorned males came to flank him, the red jewelled one smirked as he cracked his knuckles. She felt the overwhelming power of the three assembled in front of her and it shook her to the core. Yet she did not let her fear become known, she schooled her face into a smirk she had seen her mother make on numerous occasions. "Tired, starving and drained of power. And you?" She drawled, she saw the beautiful male snort, earning him a glare from the female beside him. A dark talon seemed to scrape at her mind, yet she burnt it, trained against enemies of the mind by Dorian Havilliard. The violet eyed male flinched yet did not break her stare. "I gather you have never heard of Terrasen." she sighed "Take me to eat, and we shall talk." A moment of silence passed then the female said "Rhys...let's feed her." most likely pitying Elentiya's sorry state, her dirt covered complexion and gaunt face. "If you so wish, Feyre darling." The violet eyed male, Rhys responded, with love in his voice that twisted in Elentiya's gut.

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