Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Thank you for 140 views! I'm so glad people are enjoying my story:)I won't be able to upload next Saturday, so I will try to upload chapter 7 on Thursday!



Aeden's blood roared. It felt like the world was crumbling around him as his anger consumed him. "Why?" He growled, not caring for the nobles that now glared at him. "My magic forced open the portal, meaning my magic is now woven into the fabrics of the world and to remove my magic, I  must remove myself." Elentiya responded, she too glaring at Aeden. He didn't care, he couldn't take it, his mate must pay, his mate he just found. He did not know her well yet, but she felt like home. 

"Is the cost too much? Wouldn't it be for the greater good if it were shut? Perhaps you should close it, Princess." Eris mused. Before he realised what he was doing, Aeden had winnowed to him and had pinned him to the floor, lashing out at Eris with his magic and fists. A harsh icy wind tore him off Eris, the wind felt like a slap in the face as he noticed Elentiya standing before him, face blank as she looked at him like he was nothing more than a misbehaved child. Before he could say anything, Azriel had dragged him back to his place and Rhys has started conversation again with "The cost is too steep, the Princess seems well aware of what she has done, and I have no doubt that she is the sole heir to her mother's crown, as Aeden is to ours. Aeden will undoubtedly act worse than he just did should we vote for the death of his mate." Aelin inclined her head towards his father in thanks. "Our thoughts exactly, High Lord, our kingdom cannot afford to sacrifice the most powerful pureblooded fae we have," She began steadily, though her voice cracked when she continued "Please, don't take our daughter, Terrasen has given too much this past century."

"As has Prythian, your majesty." Feyre said, as she glanced towards her mate.

After hours of debate, no conclusion had been reached, another meeting had been organised in Prythian for a month later whilst the nobles decided to research. Everyone had soon dispersed, save for Manon, Eris, Elentiya and Aeden. Eris and Manon remained glaring at each other, as they had when the meeting started, neither of them saying a word. "If you two are having a pissing contest, go elsewhere." Elentiya drawled, arms folded as Eris whipped his head to her. "I was not aware you were so desperate to be alone with your mate. How unsettling that would be to witness." Elentiya raised her eyebrows "I pity those who you take as your lover if the thought of such a thing is all it takes to unsettle you."

"Why don't you come back to my court with me to see what really unsettles me?" Eris smirked as Aeden tensed up. "Are you sure, Lord Eris, that you should be making such a proposition in front of your mate?" Elentiya said innocently as she tilted her head. Manon hissed and left the room and Eris' smirk disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. "I swear, on behalf of the Autumn court, I will gut you if anyone else finds out." Elentiya  smirked as Eris stepped through the portal "And I too, swear this, on behalf of Terrasen, if you ever become a threat to me, I will burn you alive."


A fortnight had passed since the meeting and she had not seen Aeden since her conversation with him after Eris had stepped through the portal. At the distant sound of wings, she stared through the portal, to be met with Feyre and Azriel flying towards her. She rolled her eyes, last week they had come too, demanding answers. Elentiya stood ready at the portal, a dagger sheathed by her side though she knew it would be little use against the two of them. "Princess." Feyre said by way of greeting. Elentiya couldn't look at her eyes, the steely blue reminded her of her mate. "Did he let you into his mind? What will you do? Punish me?" Elentiya drawled. Feyre nodded "He let me in yes. I want to see from your perspective. Then I will decide what's appropriate."Elentiya rolled her eyes again, but opened her mind to Feyre. 

They stood by the portal, Elentiya stared him down, despite him being a head taller. "Show some restraint. Mate." She had spat, closing the distance between them. "Would you have not done the same if it were me?" He asked, a stupid smirk appearing upon his face. She felt her temper rising from the fiery depths within her. "No." She tried to keep her face blank, but she knew fire was rising in her eyes. "Would you have done it for your lover? Over your mate? He's dead Elentiya. Let him go." She shook her head. "I don't understand you haughty wretch, I try to be nice to you, I try, you're my mate, I love you unconditionally." 

"I don't want to hear it, Aeden." Elentiya turned away but he grabbed her arm. "Talk to  me Elentiya, just let me in, don't look at me like you did earlier. Please." The sorrow in his eyes made her angrier. Before she could register what she had done, she slapped him. So hard he stumbled. Her eyes widened. She'd hurt her mate. He glared at her. He stood above her and pinned her against the wall. His eyes searched her own. "Bitch." He spat in her face as he winnowed away.

Feyre shook her head. "You hurt your mate...I don't understand how you could think to- I could never hurt-" Elentiya cut her off "I am not you. Do not think I haven't felt his pain. What he demanded of me was wrong, I barely know him." Feyre stared at her, mouth agape, but then she nodded. "I hadn't loved Rhysand when I first met  him. Though I fell in love with him quickly. I understand though, my son is not like me or his father. Despite how he acts he's rather sensitive, whereas you are the opposite, fiery, strong, fierce." Feyre's face turned as dark as night. "I will not forgive you for hurting him despite how he acted towards you." Elentiya realised she was shaking and a tear was rolling down her cheek. "Next time send Aeden himself, why should you talk for him? I want to see my mate." She clapped a hand over her mouth, she hadn't intended to say the last part. Feyre smiled softly "Perhaps you two are more alike than you realise, Elentiya."

A few days later, Elentiya awoke, feeling his presence nearby, she practically ran to the portal, to see him sat on the bed her lover once lay in. "Aeden-" She breathed, words getting stuck in her throat. "I'm sorry, Elentiya, I should not have tried to force the bond on you." Elentiya blinked at the sudden apology, as she remembered herself, she strode over to him and sat beside him. "You were wrong to do that. I do admit, I let my temper get the best of me. No matter who you are to me, I choose my own lovers, mating bond or no. I'm grateful you love me, but you do not know me either," Aeden nodded as Elentiya continued "Let me bargain with you, Aeden." She stuck her hand out and he took it. "Let us get to know each other and do no harm to each other." Aeden smirked "Whatever you say haughty wretch." He kissed her on the cheek as a black marking snaked its way across her wrist. "To new beginnings, mind reading bastard." She whispered to him.

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