Chapter 2

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The Night Court took the female to the house of wind, bound in Aeden's fathers invisible shackles. As their court slowly took their places around the dining room table, everyone stole secret glances at her and Aeden could not take his eyes off of her, perhaps because he had never seen anything from another world. He had attempted to peer into her mind, yet was met with a wall of blazing fire. 

The final member to saunter in, much to everyone's surprise, was Nesta. "What thing have you bought with you this time, Feyre?" She asked, her voice as icy as her glare. The female ignored her, continuing to pile food onto her plate. Sensing the tension, Morrigan started the usual banter, laughter began to fill the room, yet Aeden registered none of it as he could not draw his eyes from the female opposite him. She was beautiful, he decided, despite her shoulder length golden hair being slightly matted and dirty and her pale skin flaked with mud, she was the most beautiful female he had encountered. "Aeden," Cassian said as he jabbed him in the ribs "Don't you think its rude to stare like that?"  "Is she your type of women?" He continued winking at Aeden. "If you like hot headed, destructive woman, you would have been perfect for Amren a century ago."  To this, Amren glared at Cassian "Watch your mouth boy." The female glanced between them and then continued eating. "Have you nothing to say girl?" The female continued to shove food in her mouth, as she glared at Amren. "Oh? You certainly aren't of this world girl, green eyes with a band of gold around the pupil, that's certainly something finer than half the jewels I'm wearing." She wasn't wrong, the females eyes were exquisite. Rhys snorted and said "You think rather loudly, Aeden, you do realise she is a threat to us don't you?" The iciness in his voice startled Aeden,  the female finally spoke, "My mother once mentioned falling through a world of mountains and starlight, she was burning like a star as she fell, yet a winged male and his pregnant mate slowed her down, stopping her certain death. She never learned his name but she told me that his violet eyes and his mate were beautiful. This occurred 120 years ago." 

Rhys seemed to pause for a second but his usual smirk came back a second later "What is your mother's name? Tell her she owes a life debt to Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court."      "Queen Aelin Ashvryer Whitethorn Galanthynius of Terrasen, or our favourite title we have heard, fire-breathing bitch queen." The female smirked a little.  "And what might be your name?" Feyre asked. "Princess Elentiya Ashvryer Galanthynius, pleased to be of service." Elentiya drawled. "This girl burned our home yet you fools are welcoming her? She walked into this world and posed a threat, she committed an act of war." Nesta snarled at Elentiya, and she snarled right back but Nesta wasn't finished. "You lot really take in all the rabble these days don't you? She could have a prince lover back at home waiting to march through to here." Elentiya stood, slamming her hands on the table, burning through Rhys' shackles. "I have no purpose here, I am lost, have not eaten for five days and am unsure of the way home and I have no one waiting because my lover is DEAD." She screamed, a tear rolling down her cheek, everyone, particularly Nesta seemed taken aback, however Aeden did not care for those around him as he felt her pain, as if it was his own pain, pain and grief that came crashing into him like a tidal wave. He fell from his chair from the sheer amount of it. Help me, help me. Her voice rung out in his head as Aeden stared into her eyes and something clicked into place between them. Something so vital it moved with every breath he took.


She snapped. She shut herself in the room they so kindly offered to her. How foolish of you, she thought, for snapping in such a way, yet something in her head had cleared, as if confessing had helped her. Elentiya couldn't help but remember the feeling that something had clicked into place as she stared at the blue eyed male, Aeden, as he fell from his chair. You felt it too? His voice filled her mind. How are you in my head? She answered. My father claimed speaking mind to mind with people is a skill I need to have, his voice replied though it sounded as if he were grimacing as he spoke. Choose another mind to toy with, bastard. There was a minute of silence, then What better way to practice than on a princess from another world. He purred into her mind. Elentiya hoped her answering snarl reached him.

After hours of nothing, a knocking at her door pulled her from her thoughts. "How long do you plan on staying here?" it grumbled. "Who are you?" Elentiya replied flatly. "Nesta." Reluctantly, Elentiya cracked open the door, "And what, do tell, is the problem with me being here?" she drawled, pouring some of the arrogance she had learned from her mother into her question. "The problem, Princess, is that something within this world ripped again like it did when your arrived. A Queen has come this time." Nesta replied, her icy gaze cutting into Elentiya. Aelin, her mother had come. "Let me see her."  "You do not give me orders, I highly outrank you Princess." Nesta hissed, yet she could have sworn pity flashed in her eyes as she said "The Queen is being questioned by Rhys." "Don't hurt her." Elentiya replied quietly.  "We'll see." Nesta replied. The wrong thing to say. I'll kill her. Elentiya's rage began to consume her until Aeden's voice cut through her rage, Your mother is fine, bargaining with my own parents. Fighting with Nesta may be fun, but not worthwhile. Elentiya scowled at his voice, her only response was a chuckle that seemed to caress her mind.

Elentiya readied herself to leave, until she beheld her mother in the hallway, a mix of anger and happiness crossed Aelin's face as she stared at her daughter. "Mother..." Elentiya stared back as she noticed a new black tattoo snaking over her mother's wrist. Aelin smiled towards it as she said "As much as I want to yell at you, you appear to have gone through enough, though don't count on Rowan to say the same." Elentiya nodded as Rhys and Feyre entered the room from seemingly no where. "Though I will remind you Elentiya, world walking has been banned in Terrasen for over a century, along with the use of wyrdmarks for leisure. Your act has now opened a pernament gate between this world and ours." A Queen's voice came from her mother, one so rarely used unless something grave had happened. "We thought you had been murdered with the amount of rutting wyrdmarks that covered the room." Fury flared in Aelin's eyes and Elentiya stared right into that fury and said "I was fine." Aelin shook her head but was stopped from saying anything by Rhysand "We have made a bargain, for a contract between our worlds to stop acts of treason, for our heirs to be the protectors of the gate." Elentiya's  mouth fell open and Rhys laughed "A fair price, don't you think, for the risk you caused?"   "Why is he involved though?" She asked just as darkness rippled behind her and Aeden appeared "I have a name Princess." She ignored him and continued to stare at Rhysand. "Because bargains demand equal sides and Aeden seemed to find it humorous when you unleashed yourself upon our mountains." Feyre cut in, most likely noting the tension forming. "Fine, but I don't wish to spend any time on this side of the portal especially not when I'd have to deal with the likes of Nesta and mind reading bastards like Aeden." She could've sworn something like hurt flashed across his face. Mind reading bastard am I? 

A day later, Elentiya was home in Orynth and to her eternal annoyance, the gate had opened in Perranth, the place of her lovers death. "Elentiya, I have had your belongings moved to Perranth." Her fathers voice echoed through the halls of the castle. "I hope you make something good of this bargain." he strode towards her, unfazed by her crime. "Will you not yell at me too?" Elentiya challenged him, staring into his pine green eyes. "You're stuck defending that gate, that seems like punishment enough." He snorted.   "When I was with those winged fae, something clicked into place with one of them, I can hear him in my head, can feel was clicked between us with my every breath. What is this thing between me and him, father?" Rowans eyes softened and he smiled at her, "That Elentiya, is a mating bond."

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