Chapter 4

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They could have stood like that for hours, months, years. Yet Elentiya seemed to remember where they were and her power vanished back into her and she looked away. "What do you wish to do about it?" She asked, avoiding Aeden's stare. "I wish to know you Elentiya, all of you." Aeden replied. "I can get to know you, but my heart belongs to another," Aeden's knees threatened to buckle. "Eventually, there is a chance I will love again, but this place seems doomed to do so. Can you handle that, mate?" He shook his head but Elentiya was not looking, she was gazing at the bed, looking so shattered his heart almost broke as he said "Tomorrow Princess, we begin tomorrow." "Do not give me orders, mind reading bastard." And that was that. Aeden returned to his city, heart aching from the closeness yet distance between them.


Elentiya awoke the next day feeling lighter than before, her mind couldn't help but wander to the feeling of Aeden's magic intertwined with her own, the way it felt like home. She almost wished she could intertwine her fire with his beautiful ebony magic again. Your thoughts are awfully loud, Princess.  She scowled as his voice filled her head through their mating bond. Good morning to you too, my dearest Elentiya. 

Don't call me that.

Did your love call you that? Elentiya deemed the question  unworthy of a response as she prepared herself for the day. She threw on the same beautiful emerald tunic, embroidered with the staghorns of Terrasen in golden thread with black trousers as the day before. I have breakfast for you, haughty wretch.

If it's poisoned, I'm dragging you to the afterworld with me.

There's only one way to find out isn't there Princess. Elentiya stormed into the room to find Aeden sitting on a platform of ebony magic, holding a bowl of what looked to be porridge. "Glad you graced me with you presence today, Princess." Aeden smirked. "I had nothing else to do to entertain myself but find you." Elentiya replied, sitting down near Aeden. "I want to know you, Elentiya." She looked up to find his steely blue eyes staring straight into her own. No games then, she thought. "How old you are, Aeden?"

"120 years old."

"And here I though you were ancient!" Elentiya mocked her shock as she dropped the food Aeden handed her. She could have sworn hurt flashed in his eyes as he looked at the food. "I'm terribly offended, why you must be so young, Princess! What a hardship for you to have such an old mate. And may I be so privileged as to receive your age?" Aeden replied, feigning offence. "What a hardship indeed, who knows what a cranky old bastard you'll become when it's your bedtime. I am 85." He whistled, "Both barely into immortality then." Elentiya inclined her head as she went to retrieve her own food.

An hour had passed and the pair sat in silence, boredom pulling Elentiya in and out of sleep until Aeden practically yelled "I do not want my training to falter because I have duties here Elentiya, will you spar with me?" Elentiya scowled but replied "If I deem you worthy enough to be my partner, sparring partner, that is, then yes."

"One of us needs to come through the portal." Aeden said, Elentiya raised her eyebrows, seeing the trap laid before her yet she let him think she fell for it as she stepped through the portal. "Come at me, mate." She smirked, hiding her suprise that the ground she stepped on was ice, black ice flowing with magic. "You are not the only once blessed with multiple powers." Aeden said. "I am the only one with my extent of power." Elentiya replied, raising an eyebrow slightly. "Within what? Terrasen?" 

"In all of Erilea. And you?"

"The strongest in Prythian." Aeden smirked. "Steel or magic then?" Elentiya's eyes darted to him, searching for any weapons. "Fists." Aeden said, lunging for her, yet she had already moved, twirling out the way whilst sweeping a leg under Aeden, causing his balance to falter. He jumped back and altered his posture again, a predatory gazed fixed upon Elentiya. Then he lunged again, which Elentiya met with a punch. Punch. Jump. Swipe. Their dance continued until Aeden got so close, his fingertips brushed Elentiya's as she jumped away from him and his magic lashed out at her, knocking her onto the ice so hard it cracked under her. He jumped on Elentiya pinning her arms and legs, glaring at her. She snarled at him at she glared back into him, savouring the playfulness in his ocean eyes. His grip on her tightened at he snarled back and he leaned in, as if he'd bite her. Yet he stopped centimetres from her face, so close she could feel his breath on her mouth. Elentiya knee connected with his stomach causing him to adjust his position. She arched her back, causing his gaze to move from her face. In a second, her magic plunged into the cracked ice below her, intertwining with his once again, causing him to flinch with shock. Wasting no time, Elentiya kneed him as hard as she could and flipped their positions, holding him down with her magic, a small dagger held to his neck. 

There was a wry laugh from the direction of the portal, followed by a tight "Let us know when you plan to take my daughter anywhere." Rowan.

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