Chapter 7

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The darkness around him seemed to beckon to him, dark figures danced along his blurry vision. He tried to kindle faelight- yet something was gnawing at his magic, biting whenever it stirred. He suddenly remembered they had been taking parts of him. So minuscule his mate wouldn't be alerted. His mate. Elentiya. His magic thrashed against his restraints, his  mind becoming aware of the shackles holding him, his wrists raw with repeated effort. Something oily writhed inside him as it overtook his consciousness.


Elentiya glanced at her tattooed wrist as she prepared for the day. A month had passed between since the previous meeting between Terrasen and Prythian. Over the last month, she and Aeden had talked about their kinds of fae and trained a lot, she had learnt he was immune to iron yet she was seemingly immune to the metal which stopped his magic from functioning, he had taken her to Velaris for Starfall a week ago where they had danced under the starlight and threw starlight at each other as it landed on their faces and she had taken him to the Staghorns to show him the stars she loved so much. He even had the cheek to make a bet between them to see who would fall for the other first. Although she would never tell him, she was beginning to fall for him, for his happiness and childish excitement during Starfall, his focus and fierce expressions when the Illyrians and Fenrys trained them. She felt as if she knew him so well, what annoyed him, what made him smile; yet she was unsure he could say the same for her. She wondered as she strapped her weapons to her, did he truly know who she was? Her capabilities? She had never truly shown her skills in training sessions nor had she truly opened up to him. Elentiya thought she might open up to him within the last few days, however Aeden never appeared. As there was nothing from the bond and the meeting was today; she wasn't worried.

A few hours later, the Terrasen royalty had assembled for the meeting, save for Asterin and Alliser who claimed to have important business to tend to, yet only Nesta waited by the  portal, her sharp face glaring at those who dared to hold her gaze. "What joyful company, where is everyone?" Elentiya asked, holding Nesta's piercing gaze. "Does it seem like I want to be here? Aeden is missing, the Illyrians, including Rhysand, are looking for him, my sister will be holding the meeting." Elentiya froze. As if on command, Feyre winnowed to the gate, face gaunt and pale, Elentiya surged to the front of the group, heart racing, thoughts eddying from her mind. "Where is-" A sharp pain cut through her chest, a tug on the bond. Aeden. Talk to me. Answer me Aeden. "You took him" Feyre snarled, darkness whipped out towards Elentiya but she burnt it away. "Feyre." Nesta cut in, standing in front of her sister. "He's in Terrasen, Nesta, let me through." Nesta glanced to Elentiya, her glance seemed to say go.

Without thinking about the others around her, Elentiya ran, following the tug into the staghorns, where she transformed into her phoenix, soaring towards the ferian gap, the source of her mate's faint tug.


He had tugged on the bond hours ago. He wasn't sure whether he was alive. Pain coursed through every vein in his body as he tried to resist what they had tried to plant inside him. Something oily, dark, so unlike his own ebony darkness. The figures beside him had began to take shape. A girl with midnight black hair and a male with bronzed skin. "She's here one hissed to the other. Alert the healers." The black haired girl hissed. Aeden recognised her vaguely, he must have moved as she stalked over to him, iron nails shooting out from her fingers. "It will be over soon, your mate is here." She said, slicing her nails into his thighs, keeping him grounded. Aeden hissed, but rose to full conciousness, he could see clearly now. Asterin Havilliard had him captive, he tugged on the bond again, hopefully luring Elentiya toward him. I'm here, I'm here. He whispered to her. He glanced around him, he seemed to be inside a tower. "You could be valg, boy, you are safe inside the Torre Cesme." Aeden glared at her, he tried to speak but his throat was raw from screaming. She just smiled at him and walked towards the door, just as his mate burned it to ashes.

She was burning, so brightly. With her, she had a bloody Alliser Westfall, bound in burning handcuffs. She glanced to Aeden, eyes widening at his condition. With a flick of her wrist, Alliser was bound to the wall, an intricate cage of fire and ice forming around him. Her eyes seemed blank as she slid into a deadly calm as she took in Asterin. "I though you would-" Asterin began, but never finished as she began to choke, Elentiya had cut her throat so fast no one seemed to register it until Asterin fell to the ground, dead. Alliser screamed as Elentiya turned to him, blood coating a dagger which was previously sheathed at her side, she stared him down but turned to Aeden. "Aeden." she breathed as she ran to him. She swiftly removed his chains, yet that oily darkness stirred in him again, taking his control. He fought it, yet it one, forcing him to watch as he grabbed Elentiya's arm, digging his nails in so deep he drew blood. Her face scrunched up with pain but she smiled at him, and pulled him closer and closer until she was embracing him, despite his grip on her arm. "You win our bet mind reading bastard, I'm falling for you." Elentiya whispered into his ear. Aeden fought against the darkness at the words, the words he'd been waiting for.  He battled it with his light, the light he bought to her and the healing light his mother gifted him.

She kissed his cheek and rose, to bring Alliser to him. "Kill the valg whilst he has control." She hissed. Alliser refused, tears streaming down his cheeks. "It's gone." He murmured. Elentiya glared at him, throwing him to the floor whilst unbinding him. She smiled crookedly at Alliser as he scrambled from the room, tears started to stream down her face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have killed Asterin." Aeden blinked hard. His mate was breaking down. She made a mistake, one she knew she was going to pay dearly for, again. Her rage seemed to break down and ice seemed to settle behind her eyes. "I'm sorry." Aeden found himself moving towards her, ignoring the pain as he embrace her, both of them sinking to their knees. "I'll brave this with you, we'll be together, haughty wretch." She looked at him, eyes full of regret.


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