Chapter 8

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Three deep red scratches were finally beginning to scar the left side of her face, they still ached when Elentiya recalled the reason why she had them.

 3 weeks ago she had returned to Terrasen, Asterin's body in hand with Aeden by her side. Manon had attacked her, and rightfully so, she killed the only person she loved. A life for a life Manon had been screaming, yet Rowan refused to let her kill Elentiya. Instead Elentiya was stripped of her titles, no longer a Princess and exiled to Perranth castle, to live the rest of her life as a gate keeper, permanently scarred by a witch. Elentiya knew the decision would not satisfy the human and witch lands, she had stripped them of their heir. So much had changed in those 3 weeks.

Aeden had not returned to his land ever since, he stayed by her side day by day, training with her, teasing her and protecting her, since she was no longer allowed to use her mothers cadre for protection. "Good morning haughty wretch." He called from behind her, she whipped her head around, slightly embarrassed he caught her staring at herself in a mirror. He pressed a kiss to her scarred cheek. "You're still the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Elentiya blushed, she supposed what was between them had changed too. "I could say the same to you, except I'm aware I'm far more beautiful than you." She smirked as he stuck his tongue out at her. She smiled, as much as she hated herself for it, she was happy. A murderer but a happy one. 

Today Aeden wanted to bring her to Prythian for the winter solstice, though it made her uneasy, he promised her there was always a place for her in Velaris. Everytime they had left Perranth, Elentiya had him glamour her face back to what it was before, despite his protests. She donned a shimmering, sleek black gown, laced with silver, causing her to look like the night sky, her golden hair flowed with tendrils of her magic. Aeden smiled at her and came to kiss her forehead, before stepping through the portal, getting his wings prepared to fly. I don't deserve him. She thought. "Don't think that Princess. We belong to each other, quite literally." He called. She scowled. "I'm no longer a Princess." Well, I intend to treat you like one he murmured into her mind causing her to shiver. He laughed sensing her reaction. Bastard.


By nightfall, they had arrived at his parents riverside estate in Velaris. He wanted his parents to meet Elentiya, not as a princess, or murderer, but as herself, and no one but herself. As they stepped inside, he saw everyone gathered immediately in the hall. "Aeden!" Cassian yelled and tackled him to the floor, Azriel sauntered over, attempting to stop Cassian but somehow got himself tangled uptoo . He heard more than saw Amren approach Elentiya. "So I hear you're quite the skilled killer," Amren said, the whole room seemed to pause. "Killing the heir to the largest territory in your world." Elentiya kept eye contact with Amren "At a steep price and deep regret, yes." Amren raised her eyebrows "Aeden claimed he's never seen anyone used magic in such a skilled way, you had never shown such skill before he claims." Elentiya smirked and glanced at Aeden "Might as well keep him on his toes if he's to be my mate for 900 more years." Amren snorted and the tension in the room seemed to melt.

A few hours later, presents had been unwrapped and conversation and wine were starting to pick up. In the large living room, Elentiya sat by Aeden's side, their fingers interlinked behind their backs. "WHY ARE YOU HIDING YOUR AFFECTION? HAVE YOU TWO EVEN MATED YET?" A drunken Cassian yelled from across the room, pointing at Elentiya and Aeden. His father choked on his wine and Feyre shot Cassian a look. "I could ask you the same." Elentiya laughed. Morrigan seemed to find it so funny , she fell into Azriel who blushed but didn't move. Feyre smiled at Elentiya, it filled Aeden with pride that his family seemed to love his mate. Rhys sauntered over to them and murmured "Care for a walk?" Feyre followed after them as they stepped out into the beauty of Velaris during the night.

"They tend to get rowdy after a drink I'm afraid." Feyre chuckled, linking her arm with Rhys'. "I'm glad we get to meet you again Elentiya, you have a place with us, in Velaris, should you need one." Elentiya nodded but stared into the sky smiling "You don't have to extend such warmth to me, I'm a murderer. There are many things I haven't shared, yet I suppose I should." She looked sidelong at everyone as they strolled along the river, after a deep breath, she began. 

"Since I was little, I had been trained extensively in assassination, I am a skilled assassin and have killed many, killing seemed to be the only thing I was good at, it was a place I could harness my anger and my magic, though not one I'm proud of. My mother , too, was an assassin, the skills kept her alive, she wanted me alive so I was taught like her. My anger and arrogance had always been my downfall, until I met my first love. Those emotions seemed to fade, he taught me things others hadn't art, music, love. When he died, it was like a light went out, I was lost, and then Aeden came along when I was so angry. He came, he was mine, yet he was not a light, he was my darkness, the darkness to match my fire, my equal and my opposite. Now, I'd have it no other way, should he still accept me after this." Her eyes seemed sad for once, the magic stopped flowing through her hair and the glamour on her face faded.

Rhysand smiled at her, "Your mother wanted to protect you, and she did well, you made mistakes, fatal ones, but who hasn't? I was under the control of a monster for 50 years, I killed for her, I fucked her and I let everyone believe I was a sadistic killer. Your mistake was wrong, but you learnt and you will live with it, you already know that. You're paying the price no matter how it may haunt you." Feyre nodded at him and Aeden saw a tear run down Elentiya's cheek "Thank you." Aeden glanced at his mother "I have somewhere I want to take her." As she nodded, he grabbed Elentiya's hand and winnowed her to the family cabin in the mountains.

"Where are we?" She asked, looking around wide-eyed.  "Somewhere special." Was all he answered before he kissed her lips. She blinked, shocked, but kissed him back. He broke apart their kiss to look into her emerald eyes "I love you." he stated, kissing her again. "I love you too." She replied, fire dancing in her eyes.

"For all the time we have together?"

"For eternity."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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