Chapter 3

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A week of winnowing to and from the portal to monitor it had Aeden exhausted, frustrated that Elentiya has not been present and also seemed to be ignoring his messages he sent into her mind. He sat brooding as he absentmindedly piled food onto his plate in his parents riverside estate in Velaris. "At least save some for us Aeden." Rhys chuckled, staring between Aeden and his plate. "Is the Princess not holding up her side of the bargain?" Aedens eyebrows raised, "I'm going just fine without that haughty wretch, father." Rhys snorted and chuckled "You'd better be inclined to work with that haughty wretch as you so call her, seeing as you're working with her until the portal closes." "Why did I of all people have to deal with her? It would've been far more fun to make her deal with sweet Bryaxis or Nesta." Aeden grumbled through a mouth full of food. "We are not trying to cause a war, son," Rhys laughed "Feyre and I decided it'd be best to find a safer way to communicate with Terrasen, and perhaps declare each other a safe haven for our citizens in case of an emergency, Aelin agreed easily." Aeden gaped at his father. "You didn't really do all that courtly bullshit did you?" "I thought it'd be nice to form new friendships especially since you and Princess Elentiya seemed to have bonded so well." "Actually father, there is actually something along the lines of that matter I wanted to discuss with you." Aeden drawled, heartbeat quickening as his father replied "I'm listening."


A week after the bargain was made; Elentiya still hadn't made the trip to Perranth. She may possibly have been stalling as she complained she didn't want to be alone and was taking her sweet time deciding a member of her mothers cadre to bring with her. Although she played the confused damsel, Elentiya was certain her mother saw through the act and knew exactly who she wanted with her, Fenrys. If something were to happen to her, Fenrys would be able to alert her mother the quickest due to his ability to teleport. Elentiya sighed as she wandered the halls of the castle to find the pianoforte.

She sung and played for hours, losing herself in her sorrow as she spun a tale of her lover and her grief now he was gone. Gavriel had meant so much more to her than she could have ever imagined. They were not mates, no. Yet their relationship had been purely love; little intimacy apart from when he wish to attempt to sire heirs for Perranth. He'd bring her gifts and take her to secret places in the Staghorns to be with her under the starlight. She loved him fiercely yet was confused when he was not her mate. Not hers. She had found her mate, a fae from a world of starlight. Part of her wanted to see him again, ached to break the news and see if that bastard cared for the bond. Yet she was also broken, she had lost her first and only love, could she even consider something as serious as accepting a mating bond?

She resumed her playing until she heard a pointed cough from the doorway "You've been making a racket here yet you couldn't be bothered to answer me?" someone drawled. Elentiya gritted her teeth as she threw out a gust of sharp wind behind her, spearing for the voice, yet nothing came, no impact. I'm almost insulted here, haughty little wretch he murmured into her mind. Her mate. She turned to face him and was almost taken aback once again by his beauty. "Why is your mind reading carcass here?" Elentiya snarled, baring her teeth. He did the same right back. "Because a certain haughty princess is failing to upkeep her side of a bargain, giving my mind reading carcass the right to come to get her majesty." Elentiya smirked at how she managed to irk him slightly. "How did you get in here?" "The same way I plan on getting out of here." He drawled, snarl becoming a crooked smile. "Which is?" "Take my hand and find out, your Majesty." Aeden sketched a mocking bow. "I'm no fool, bastard." Elentiya purred, trapping him in between thick shards of ice she'd been preparing since his arrival. "Perhaps the foolish one, haughty wretch, is you, for not considering the power of your enemy." One second he was trapped, the next he was nothing but air as he reappeared behind her. Yet Elentiya sensed where would be and swung out her leg, knocking him onto his ass. "Whilst your gifts are considerable, you too must not underestimate who I am." She said, glaring down at him. Aeden snarled but his eyes darted to the doorway at the sound of approaching footsteps and a golden haired male burst into the room. Aedion. "What is-" Aedions eyes widened as Aeden gripped Elentiyas leg and dragged her through the fabrics of the world. Suddenly they were by the portal, in a room covered in smudged wyrdmarks, they had arrived in Perranth.


They arrived in a room by the portal, a room covered in smudged blood with tendrils of Elentiya's magic flowing around them. "What was that?" she hissed, glaring at him. "Winnowing." Aeden replied, rasing an eyebrow as he released her leg and stood to tower over her. "We have things to discuss, Elentiya." She paused for a second as if contemplating the benefits of fighting him, but she straightened and merely said "Indeed."

"I suppose I should formally introduce myself seeing as your never seem to know my name. Aeden Archeron, Heir to the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court, at your service, haughty wretch." Aeden smirked and bowed to her. Elentiya sighed "Well, Ae-den," she started, as if she were testing each syllable of his name on her tongue "I'd appreciate if you called me something other than haughty wretch, though I'm quite attached to calling you mind reading bastard." "If you wish, Elentiya darling." Her face twitched slightly and Aeden swore he could hear the thrumming of her magic as it built up under her skin. "Something wrong darling?" He knew he'd stepped over a line, but he couldn't help it as her magic radiated from her, ice coating the floor around her. "Got nothing to say my love?" He smirked. And then she exploded.

Her magic filled the room, raging flame and deathly cold ice coated the walls "Don't call me that." She growled, her voice so unlike her normal voice, it sent chills down Aedens spine. Aeden smiled at her as he removed a glamour from himself, allowing his ebony magic to intertwine with her fire and ice. He let it fill his eyes with stars whilst hers filled with ice. "You cannot hurt me, Elentiya." She stared at him, the truth in his words as she took a step towards him, allowing her magic to play in his. Aeden was unsure what was happening, but it felt right, them so close together, their magic intertwined. He breathed in, he'd tell her now. "You're my mate." Elentiya said, refusing to break eye contact. "Yes," Aedens wings flared behind him at the closeness in which she stood to him. "I am your mate." Elentiya did not balk.

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