A bit too friendly

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Okay I'm gonna skip a couple of days...

This is just a short chapter to move the story along so I can finally start writing actual scenes between Kaiden and Matthew!




"Don't say anything if you're okay with me stealing your chips."

"Aww thanks Matty you're so kind."

Brooklyn reached across the table and slapped the chips out of his hand

"Knock it off Seb."

Matthew finally decided to stop daydreaming and join in on the conversation

"Dude my chips are mine." He told Sebastian pulling the bag back towards him "buy your own."

"I did but I finished them."

"Then starve." He sighed overdramatically to his friend before shoving a handful of chips into his mouth smiling as his friends laughed at them.

They had come to some sort of Grill for dinner. Evelyn's parents had given her some money to take them all out, this place wasn't exactly where the rich and famous dined but it was a hell of a step up from their usual macdonalds, all Matthew knew was that he was glad he wasn't paying.

"Should we get dessert or do you wanna go to McDonald's on the way home and buy a load of McFlurrys?" He asked, not wanting Evelyn to use up all the money on them. Evelyn looked around at the other people eating

"No I don't want them thinking we can't afford it."

Matthew looked at her in understanding, none of his friends had a lot of money, their families weren't exactly drowning in debt but they had to cut back on a few things to make ends meet, it's something only Evelyn and Matthew really talked about.

"That's because we can't afford it."

Well Sebastian often gave his opinion as well. 

"It's fine, besides the food here looks really good. Might as well spend the money whilst we have it." Spoke Evelyn, immediate ending the debate that was sure to come.

"Also, Seb might starve if he doesn't eat something every 2 seconds." Sebastian stuck his tongue out and discretely put his middle finger up as he took a sip of his coke, mumbling about how that means he should've been allowed Matthew's chips.

In the end they decided to eat at the restaurant/grill place, all of them ordering varying forms of ice cream. It was a really nice night. Matthew smiled as Sebastian, not surprisingly, had ice cream all around his mouth as he practically inhaled his dessert. He looked around the table at all his friends and felt himself become choked up a bit. School was only around a year away from being over, that meant they'd all be going off to uni, all of them leaving to different parts of the country which meant moments like this would become rare. He took another look at Sebastian who wasn't paying attention to anything else apart from his ice cream and decided that thoughts like this could wait, it was a nice night that he should enjoy instead of ruining it by dampening everyone else's mood. Besides, he didn't want Seb teasing him for crying for the next 5 years. No amount of distance that going to university could provide would ever mean he'd live that down.

After they'd all nearly finished their ice cream, Evelyn flagged down their waiter and asked for the bill. All of them were having quiet conversations between each other , the atmosphere slowly shifting to a relaxed and calm one, Matthew knew the second he got home he would fall asleep until the next day. Luckily the next day was a Saturday so he didn't exactly have any homework due or anything to get up for. His gaze once again swept over the table, looking for a conversation to join when he saw Evelyn out of the corner of his eye. She was looking at the bill with an apprehensive and almost embarrassed look, he knew that they should've gone somewhere else for dessert. He felt his stomach drop for his friend who he knew would hate to ask any of them for money, he didn't even know if all their money could afford it. So much for being grown up for the evening. He was about to offer to help so she didn't have to when a thought sneaked into his head. He sat back and quickly looked at his friend again. She was looking increasiningly uncomfortable and Matthew knew what that feeling was like. He knew that he could probably get the money, he could potentially get the whole meal paid for. But he wasn't sure it would work and he was definitely sure it wouldn't be the right thing to do but he was nearly confident that they couldn't afford the meal they just had. He looked at Evelyn again and made his mind up.

"I'm just gonna go toilet really quickly." He announced to the table before making his way up the stairs towards the bathroom, taking his phone out of his pocket.

He walked into the nearest stall and locked it behind him. He sat on the closed lid of the toilet, ignoring the hygiene problems that came with it and unlocked his phone. He really didn't think this was a good idea, how did he even know it would work? What if this meant he was signing himself up for something? He couldn't shake the feeling of Evelyn's embarrassment and decided he might as well try.

Hey he sent, not at all expecting an immediate reply back. He felt weird about the shot of relief that filled him when a reply came back.


I really need your help with something.

Of course.

Matthew didn't know how to reply. How do you ask some guy that is both threatning but hasn't really done anything wrong whom is sort of obsessed with you that you need his money. He's given Matthew money before and a new bloody phone. He could afford a meal couldn't he? Matthew knew that he was being stupid. He knew this guy, Kaiden, could afford it but it felt oddly personal. He was admitting that he couldn't do something, he was admitting that he needed help and that felt wrong. He could ask his parents but then he didn't want Evelyn or her parents to feel embarrassed and he definitely didn't want his parents to feel bad if they could afford it either.

Me and my friends are eating at this grill place and it's alit more expensive than we're use to. My friends parents gave her money to take us all out but I don't think it covers the bill. Would you mind helping me out?

What grill place is it?

It's called The Square.

I've got it baby.

Matthew looked at the reply, he felt bad about this. Kaiden didn't ask for anything in return, he didn't ask any questions. He just did what he had to to help Matthew. Maybe he's not too bad. He closed his phone and flushed the toilet so it didn't look weird he was in there before leaving, washing his hands so the other people didn't think he was weird. He left the bathroom and walked back to the table, sitting down and looking at everyone. Evelyn still had the bill in her hand. She caught him looking at her.

"Matty do you have any-" Her Question was cut off as the previous waiter came and took the bill out of Evelyn's hands.

"Thank you for your time here, I hope you all enjoy you're evening." Evelyn continued to look at Matthew, the money she would've used hanging between her fingers. She blinked and quickly put the money away. Apart from Matthew, no one else in their group seemed to realize what had just happened. Evelyn looked at Matthew in confusion but he just shrugged his shoulders in response. They all grabbed their coats and left, walking escort her home until it was just Matthew and Evelyn left.

"Thank you for not saying anything. " She spoke, looking straight ahead down the road.

"Saying anything about what?" He replied sending her a small smile as they finally made it to her front door.

"We all know what it's like Ev."

She looked at him for a moment and looked like she was going to say something but decided against it. She smiled at him before letting herself in her house. Matthew waited until the door was shut and he had walked to the end of her road before removing his phone from his pocket.

Thank you he typed.

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