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Name: Noriko (rule of law) Haruno

New Name Later On: Ichigo (Strawberry)

Age: 12


Likes: Training, sweets

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Likes: Training, sweets

Dislikes: Almost everyone and almost everything.

Story: Ever since she can remember she has never been part of the Haruno family. She has always been an outcast and a loner. People always stay away from her much like they do with Naruto but with her is because of her sister and family. Noriko is a sweet shy girl with great talent and she has caught someone's eye. Someone strong and powerful... what happens when she joins this person?


Noriko POV

Waking up today I thought maybe things would be different, maybe my parents would stop fawning over Sakura and pay at least a little bit of their attention to me. But as always I'm wrong watching as they only put 3 plates on the table and Sakura smiling at her parents thanking them for the food as they all ignore even my presence. You'd think being the older twin would give you an advantage but not here.

I sigh and start to walk back to my room to get ready for school. It was a miracle that I was aloud to go and it's all thanks to Sakura. Given she only wanted me to go to school because that way she'd get to make fun of me if I messed up or bully me for whatever reason but I'm just grateful I get to study at all.. even if it means having to deal with Sakura and listen to her fangirl over Sasuke without a break.

Finally finished I looked in the mirror unlike my parents who both had green eyes that Sakura inherited I had blue shiny eyes and unlike Sakura's flat body mine actually had some curves even though I'm only 12 and my hair was a dark pink instead of light like Sakura's and it was also much longer than hers. Once I made sure I had everything ready to go I grab one of the food pills I buy with the money I make working at a weapon shop everyday after school and put it in my mouth eating it before leaving out the window landing on my feet.

Today wasn't just any day either. Today is the day they're assigning our squads meaning I'd get to make some extra money. I calmly walked to school and took a seat closing my eyes to rest a bit considering I barely get to sleep since I'm out till late at night training after work.

"Alright I'll start assigning your teams now. Warning one of the teams is gonna have 4 members instead of 3." Iruka sensei said before he started to say names for each team until.

"Team 7 Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki." I smirked slightly knowing Sakura absolutely hates Naruto.

"Sasuke Uchiha, and Noriko Haruno." My smirk drops.. why? Why did I have to be on the same tame as all of them?!

"What?!" Sakura and Naruto yelled at the same time.

"Why do I have to be on the same team as her/him?!" They both said at the same time again as I shrug hiding myself as best I could.

"Both Noriko and Sasuke are at the top of the class while you Naruto are the lowest. Noriko is there to compensate for you Naruto." Iruka answered making Sakura fume when Iruka mention me being at the top.

I start looking out the window thinking. Guess my freedom from Sakura won't happen.. man this is gonna be hell. I thought as Iruka excused us for lunch before we had to be back to wait for our new sensei.

I went to the roof of the school and started looking at the view below. I felt free, being in high places like this made me feel free from everything and allowed my mind to calm down and just take a breath for once. I hadn't even noticed I fell asleep until I felt someone's presence and my eyes snapped open. Being sisters with Sakura meant I couldn't let my guard down not even when I slept. I took the hand that was going to touch me and had a kuni to his neck.

"Wha there calm down." Said a man with silver hair and a mask that covered his whole face except for his eye.

"Who are you?" I asked freaking out a bit but noticed his headband showing me that he was a ninja from this village and his jonin vest making me calm down a bit and let go of him.

"I bet she fell asleep somewhere if she didn't die that is. Geez is it so hard to follow one simple order?" I hear Sakura's voice making me look down and sit up.

"Oh look there she is!" Yelled Naruto smiling but I couldn't find it in me to smile. After everything that my life has been is very difficult for me to smile.. at least a real smile that is. Having your twin, the one person that was with you since birth, constantly insult you and you can't even snap back because she goes crying to mom and dad and you're the one who ends up grounded if not punished isn't something you would like.

"Ok, why don't you all introduce yourselves?" The man with silver hair from before said.

"Introduce ourselves like what?" Sakura asked.

"Your names, likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams for the future things like that." The silver haired man said and I think he's our sensei.

"Why don't you go first?" Naruto asks..

"Me? Well my name is Kakashi Hatake, my likes and dislikes.. I don't feel like telling you, dreams for the future never really thought about it and as for hobbies, I got lots of hobbies." I had to hold a giggle in, I like him.

"Now you." He pointed at Naruto.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like Ichiruka ramen but I hate the three minute wait after you pour the water in, my hobby is to compare different ramen and see which one is better and my dream for the future is to become Hokage for everyone to stop looking down at me and start looking up to me. Believe it!" Naruto said making me shake my head in disbelief.

"Nice goal, now you." Kakashi said pointing at Sakura.

"Well my name is Sakura Haruno, I like.. I mean the person I like *looks at Sasuke giggles* my hobby is to *looking at Sasuke again giggles* and my dream is to *looks at Sasuke and blushes*" I almost groan hitting my head with something.

"Ok... and your dislikes?" Kakashi asked sweat dropping.

"Noriko and Naruto!" She yelled making Naruto cry and me to sigh.

"Ok, you." He pointed at Sasuke.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha, I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything, what I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone." He finished making me put my hands on my face. Why did I have to end up in a team like this?!

"Ok.. last one." He said and looked at me.

"Me? Uh well, my name is Noriko, I like sweets and training, I dislike a lot of things, my hobby is to train and to.. never mind. My dream? Well.. I'll keep that to myself." I say hugging my knees to my chest. My hobby is to train and run away from my parents and sister along with singing and my dream is to one day be free from these people who dislike me so much for a reason I don't even know.

"Ok.. what's your last name?" He asked and I froze. I hated my last name, I hated the name given to me by them, I hated being part of their clan and family.

"It's Haruno." I mumbled but he heard me.

"You and Sakura sisters?" He asked and I slowly nodded.

"Unfortunately." I hear Sakura mumble.

"Interesting, anyway you're all different that's good. Tomorrow we have our first mission." Kakashi said and continued to explain that it was actually a test and if we didn't pass we would go back to the academy and to not eat breakfast if we didn't wanna puke.

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