Chapter 8

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Third Person POV

Fighting this souls was gonna be harder than they thought. They had to dodge them because even the slightest touch felt like they were burning. Soul use consumed a lot of chakra but for her that wasn't a problem, her superior skills at chakra control and the fact that she had a lot of chakra made this a piece of cake but right now more than 89% of her chakra was being used by the Akatsuki.

"How does it feel to fight something you can't even touch? I'll let you in on a little secret." Ichigo said, she was taunting them, they all knew that but couldn't do anything about it.

"These souls in particular have the ability to take hold of little bits of your own chakra consuming them gaining your abilities as their own every time they touch you. Given they are not my favorite and they definitely aren't the strongest but they will do just fine for you." She said smirking.

"How does it feel Sakura?" She asked as her sister looked at her while dodging.

"How does it feel to know that your parents have lied to you your entire life? To believe that out of the two you were the better twin just to have that crushing down." Ichigo said not moving from her spot and Sakura made fists with her hands.

"Shut up! You deserved everything that we did to you!" Sakura yelled back making Ichigo raise a brow.

"Is that so? Please enlightened me as to why my useless little twin." She said still taunting.

"Look what you've become! We always knew you'd become a monster!" This boiled Ichigo's blood.

"You always knew huh?! Maybe if you would've been a better sister this wouldn't have happened but guess who the real monster here is.. that's right it's you." Ichigo said glaring and was about to change soul tactics to a more powerful one when Itachi's voice rang in her head.

'Don't lose your cool. The moment you lose your cool you'll lose the fight.' Those words always rang in her head every time she was gonna do something stupid, even though she was confident in her abilities she was running out of chakra she would have to end this soon or..

"Rasengan!" She heard Naruto yell as he was coming her way she could've dodged it but then that would show her true abilities and the body she had was getting to its limits, if she was to dodge she would've had to continue the fight even without chakra, she wasn't gonna take that chance and so she let Naruto use his Rasengan on her just as she opened her eyes in her seat next to Itachi.

"I see you finished too." Kisame said and she lets out a sigh.

"Needed more chakra if I was gonna win but I was running out of the one I could use. Besides I believe I did enough damage to delay them long enough." She explained before closing her eyes again going back to the tailed beast.

"What kind of jutsu is this?" Kakashi asked horror in his eyes. Sakura was still panting on the floor her chakra levels low and her hand was still hurting.

Everyone was exhausted having less chakra than before thanks to those souls. Kakashi knew she was powerful but this was something else.

"I didn't know Noriko was this powerful." Naruto said looking down him feeling less of the effects than the others.

"It was almost as if she was toying with us instead of fighting." Kakashi said making Sakura snap her head to look at him.

"No.. that had to be her full strength.. it had to." Sakura said not wanting to accept the words her sister had said to her.

"I'm afraid not my child." Chiyo said looking at Sakura.

"That sword is called the Soul Trapper, it's only known as a legend since those who have had the chance to encounter or cross paths with it are either dead by the swords hand or age. It can only be summon once every 100 years and its abilities are incredible." Chiyo said fascinated that she had the chance to experience it's power first hand.

"I believe that technic she used was only level 2, level 1 would be what she said before, with even the slightest cut of that sword you're dead. Level 3, soul possession, it allows a trapped soul to posses a body dead or alive and use it as its own at the master's orders.. level 4 and 5.." Chiyo stopped.

"What's level 4 and level 5?" Naruto asked.

"Level 4 it gives her the ability to use all the abilities the souls owner could use when it was alive and level 5 if she was to cut herself with that sword she would most certainly become a demon with tremendous abilities." Lady Chiyo said taking a seat finally deciding it was best to lay back and rest for a bit until they were all recovered.

"I've never heard of someone so young being able to even summon the sword far less master it, but it seems this girl has mastered its use." Lady Chiyo said.

"In any case she's managed to slow us down." Said Kakashi as he too took a seat to rest his body.

"That was only level 2 and it exhausted us like this." Kakashi said to himself.

"Is it true Sakura?" Naruto asked looking at the pink haired girl on the floor holding her pained hand.

"What?" She asked looking at Naruto.

"Is it true? Is everything she said about you and your family.. was it true?" Naruto asked and when Sakura opened her mouth to say something and nothing came out he had his answer.

"So it is true.. I always knew the two of you didn't get along but I thought it was only because you two were so different." Naruto said closing his hands into fists.

"I have to say Sakura, I knew about your parents and I knew you didn't get along with her but I didn't think it get this bad." Kakashi said letting out a sigh making Sakura look down, she was starting to doubt her decisions in the past concerning her sister.

"Kakashi sensei.." She said in a small voice making said guy look at her.

"Do.. do you think that maybe if I had been a better sister this wouldn't have happened?" She asked making Kakashi look away from the girl.

"There's a high probability that it wouldn't of happened and an even higher one if your parents had at least acknowledged her existence but they didn't.. walking into your house it was almost like walking into a family of three instead of four, if it wasn't for the small room at the end of the corridor in your house I would've doubted she even lived there." Kakashi said with a sigh making Sakura rethink every choice she ever made in her life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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