Chapter 7

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Third Person POV 3 Years Later

"I think it's best if a leaf ninja went this time." Ichigo smirked at this.

"I'll go, I've been itching to see my dear little sister." She said smirk still on her lips.

"Very well. Just remember we need part of your chakra here, don't over do it." The leader says as she nods opening her eyes next to Itachi before looking at him and closing her eyes again appearing before her old team smirking when they all froze at the sight of her.

"Hello everyone, long time no see." Ichigo says crossing her arms as she took a look at all of them. They had all grown and they had an old lady with them, she believed to be lady Chiyo, Sasori's grandmother. However their team was missing someone, she had heard Sasuke had actually left to look for Orochimaru but had no idea if it was true or not.. guess it is. Using this to her advantage she decided to taunt them a little.

"Where's Sasuke? Last time I saw him he was an idiot who tried challenging Itachi. So dumb." She says smirking when she saw Naruto clench his teeth and fists.

"N-Noriko?!" Sakura almost yelled finally being able to speak before Ichigo glared at her.

"Get this in your thick head Sakura, use that huge forehead for something other than to be a brat, my name is Ichigo, and I would seriously appreciate it if you keep yourself from calling me by that dreadful name your parents have given me." Ichigo said venom in her voice as she looked at her sister. Sakura was frozen, given Sakura has never liked her but to go as far as to join the Akatsuki, an organization that was after Naruto, and to refuse to call her parents her own and on top of that change her name was something she didn't expect.

"Ichigo huh." Kakashi asked, he knew they would use her sooner or later but he didn't expect them to do it right now. Everyone was on edge Sakura not knowing her sister was in this and Naruto absolutely hurt by her actions and on top of that she had insulted Sasuke which was a touchy subject to the two.

"I take it you know this girl?" Lady Chiyo asked looking at the three who seem tense as Kakashi nodded.

"She used to be part of this team." He answered.

"Why did you leave?! Why did you choose their side? Are they threatening you? Let us help you!" Naruto yelled at the girl making her scoff.

"Help me? I don't need help Naruto. I'm here on my own free will and if you want to know why I left then why don't you ask the worthless girl standing next to you?" She answered as Naruto looked at Sakura not understanding why.

"Go on Sakura, tell him. Tell him everything you and your family have done to me. How they starved me or how I wasn't even allowed to eat in the same table as you all, how I had to use gloves because you couldn't even bare having me touch even the bathroom door even though I was the one that had to clean it. Tell them how every time you've insulted me or bullied me I couldn't even say a word about it because you'd go crying to mom and dad and I was the one to get punished. How I couldn't even walk through the front door because non of you could stand to even look at me." Ichigo said glaring at Sakura as Naruto looked at Sakura shocked.

"I'm done talking. It's time you come with us Naruto." I say as I start to walk towards them. I need to keep my chakra level to a minimum here.

"I'll never go with you!" Naruto yelled and as he went to attack I smirked taking out my sword and Kakashi threw Naruto to the floor just when the sword was barely about to touch him.

"Troublesome sensei. Let me get what I want." She said as she threw a kuni which he managed to dodge but instead hit Sakura making her yell as she took hold of her numb hand.

"Poor Sakura, too bad my poison unlike Sasori's it doesn't kill you. It numbs the place it cuts attacking the muscles closest to it making the body part useless as you won't be able to move it for some time but the pain won't leave until the effects are over." Ichigo explained with a smirk as she took the kunai out with chakra threads making Lady Chiyo look at it surprised.

This girl had to be friends with Sasori there was no doubt about it. A leaf ninja wouldn't be able to use that ability without someone teaching them and she had mentioned him before.

"You're all gonna have to avoid her weapons at all costs!" Kakashi yelled as the girl threw more weapons towards them controlling them to try and hit them but they all hold their own. This is taking longer than needed! Ichigo thought before giving a sigh. This was gonna use all the chakra she had to spare but it was needed. As she subtracted her weapons putting them back where they belong she took out her sword and went to attack just for Kakashi to get in her way.

"You may be my formal student but you're an enemy now, I will not allow you to take Naruto." He said making her smirk.

"You know, I have the advantage here. One my sword has more range than that little kunai of yours and if this sword gives you even the slightest touch you're dead." She informed him.

"I think I'll take my chances." He said glaring at her making her grin.

"Very well." She said before she started doing one handed hand signs making everyone's eyes go wide as she bit her thumb and slide it over her blade, the blade absorbing her blood.

"Summing Jutsu: Soul Use." She said as Kakashi jumped back not ready for what was about to happen as she stuck the sword to the floor something like spirits coming out of it as they materialized before their eyes.

"Get ready to die." She said with a creepy grin on her lips as the souls started attacking them.

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