Chapter 1

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Noriko POV

Waking up at 4 am was no problem considering it was the time I normally woke up so that Sakura doesn't get any ideas to wake me up. I quickly used the bathroom and got ready popping a food pill in my mouth before heading out getting there before anyone else and taking a seat high up in a tree and falling asleep, I'm sure Kakashi sensei would find me if anything.

"Hey now that you mentioned it I haven't seen her." I hear Naruto's voice making me wake up and rub my eyes.

"That idiot is always late for everything." I hear Sakura say before I jumped down still robbing my eye and then blinked looking at Kakashi sensei.

"Oh you're here, now we can start." Kakashi said and explained the rules of this test and I knew from the moment he only showed us three bells that this exercise was to put us against each other. I get that they put three people -in this case four- on a squad for them to work together as a team but they couldn't have chosen a worse team than this. They don't even need a challenge like this to fight each other!

"Now start." Kakashi said and I used chakra to increase my speed making it to a far away tree and jumping towards the first branch and continuing to climb until the top before completely masking my chakra for him not to find me. I watched from where I was the fight with Naruto and how Kakashi tied him up for trying to eat lunch without permission. I waited and waited, I wasn't just about to attack a jonin all on my own and I knew it was just a matter of time before he found me.. and I was right.

"You know even though you hide pretty well you can't hide forever." I hear his voice behind me and I jump off the tree giving my back to the ground before throwing ninja stars at him and his clone disappears.

"Shit." I mumbled doing a flip in the air and landing on my feet as I look up to see Kakashi sensei standing there.

"Why haven't you tried taking a bell from me?" He asked.

"Are you mad? I can't possibly take a bell from you alone and this so called team doesn't even know how to work together! Why would I even bother when all I feel like doing is hit each and every one of them for being so stupid?! What the hell do you take me for?" I crossed my arms and looked down.

"All I said was that you needed to take a bell. If you do that you pass." He said and went to attack me but I dodged quickly enhancing my kunai with chakra before throwing it towards him and he dodged looking back when it went through a tree trunk.

"What the?" I hear his ask before I was in front of him with another kunai attacking getting a small cut in before he jumped away but I was waiting for him with a clone that almost managed to take a bell from him but, again, he jumped away.

"Man I almost had him." I mumble as I saw Kakashi sigh with a 'that was close'

"I'm not done yet." I mumble before doing hand signs and biting my thumb slamming it to the ground.

"Special summoning, Soul Trapper." I say as a sword came out of the center of the created circle and I pulled it out getting ready to fight. I saw Kakashi's eyes widen.

"You said we needed to come to you with the intention to kill and so that's what I'll do!" I said looking up at him doing another hand sign.

"Special technique, enhancement." I say as my whole body was almost like armor and my speed increased. I took the first step for the sprint when the alarm rang and I stopped.

"Man!" I almost yelled frustrated that I didn't get a bell.

Third Person POV

'She did a summoning jutsu huh? Interesting.' Kakashi thought as he saw the girl fall to her knees and hit the ground hard making almost a hole on it. Then he looked back at the tree from before seeing a hole in the middle of it with the kunai stuck to the ground with a small hole around it. He was impressed to say the least. A girl her age shouldn't be able to do any of those things, he then thought back to when he saw her run towards the woods but all he could see was a blur of dark pink hair. 'How come her parents don't see her potential?' 

Yes Kakashi had went to Sakura's house while no one was home with the Hokage and had noticed a few things first the dinning table only having three seats which he just had to ask the Hokage if they were missing a parent to which the Hokage answered no, second the food pills in the girl's drawer. He also noticed how different their rooms were, while Sakura's room was full of stuff and had a lot of cloth in her closet Noriko didn't, her room was plain and simple with only the cloth she used to train and school. As he looked around the house he couldn't help but notice how there wasn't even one photo of Noriko anywhere.

Kakashi walked towards the kunai and inspected it, it was just a regular kunai which meant she had actually infused her chakra with a weapon that was not made for it, this being more difficult than doing it with a weapon made for it. He walked back to Noriko and extended a hand to her.

Noriko POV

"You did well there's no need to feel frustrated. You did better than any of the other three." Kakashi said to me and my eyes widen before I look at his hand and back at him as he gave me a close eye smile making me give a small smile as well and took his hand as he helped me up.

"Thank you." I mumble playing with my fingers.

"No problem." He said and we walked back to the place we were to meet up with the others. As we made it to them they were all sitting well except for Naruto who was tied up and their stomachs growling.

"I've made my decision.. I won't send you back to the academy." He said and I raised a brow there was something else to this. They all started to celebrate except for me.

"I'll be dropping you from the program permanently." He said seriously stopping all of them from celebrating further.

"What?! You said that if we didn't get a bell you'd send us back to the academy not drop us! You can't change the rules like that!" Naruto yelled and I sighed taking a seat and looking away. I knew this was gonna happen.. why couldn't I just had another team?

"But why?" Sakura asked.

"Because you don't think like ninja you think like kids.. like little brats." He said before Sasuke charged at him ending up being sat on and stepped on as Sakura screamed at Kakashi sensei.

"You think it's all about you. You don't know anything about being a ninja, you think it's a game huh?" Kakashi started. "Why did we put you on squads? Did you ever stopped to think about that?"

"I don't know what you mean." Sakura said making me bite my tongue not to snap at her stupidity.

"I mean you never realized what this exercise was about, not even close. The only one who had an idea of it was Noriko." Kakashi said glancing at me making me blush and look away as I felt Sakura's glare.

"What this exercise is about?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, that's what determines if you pass or fail." Kakashi said.

"But that's.. I mean I wanted to ask that from the beginning." Sakura said.

"Use your head, three or in this case four people on a squad, why do you think we do that?" Kakashi said as they continued to go back and forward with this until they finally got it.

"Sakura, you're obsessed about Sasuke who was gone while Naruto was just in front of you and you wouldn't lift a finger to help him." Kakashi started pointing out what they did wrong. "Naruto, you do everything on your own, everything.. and you" He stepped on Sasuke more. "You Sasuke thought the others were so far beneath you, worthless arrogance. And you Noriko." He looked at me as I flinched a bit.

"If you would've tried looking for me and attacked me before I found you, you might've gotten a bell, but you didn't. You need to be more confident in your abilities." He said and I let out a sigh but nodded. He continued to talk and explain until he gave us another chance leaving us alone with the order to not feed Naruto even though his stomach was growling. I look at my food and back at Naruto with a sigh. I can't remember the last time I ate real food yet here I am about to give it away.

"Here.. eat." I say extending my hand just as Sasuke did the same explaining to Sakura that if Naruto didn't eat then he'd just be a burden for our next test and as soon as we fed him Kakashi came giving us a slight scare before telling us we pass. 

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