Chapter 2

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Noriko POV

After a rant from Naruto we were granted a C-Rank mission where we had to escort an ungrateful old man back to his village which is where we found ourselves now. After fighting Zabuza Momochi we made it back to the old man known as Tazuna's house laying Kakashi down and treat his injuries.

"I'm sorry but we only have two extra rooms." Tsunami -Tazuna's daughter- informed us and I was begging to be able to stay with Naruto.. why? Easy, if I stay with Sakura I won't be able to sleep well and if I sleep with Sasuke well Sakura would make a giant fit to our parents and I'm the one in trouble.

"That's alright, I'll sleep with-" Sakura started but was cut off by Sasuke.

"I'll share a room with Noriko, out of the three of you she's the least annoying." Sasuke said making me go pale as Sakura looked dead and fell to her knees.

"You ok with that right?" Sasuke asked looking at me.

"Actually I-" I was cut off by him.

"Good, then it's settled." He said before walking away and I stud there frozen before running to the room and hiding from Sakura's glares.

"What's wrong with you?" Sasuke asked and I glare at him.

"Do you have any idea of what you just did?! You just got me in trouble with Sakura which means trouble with my parents!" I say running my hand through my hair before sighing.

"I can't believe this.." I mumble with another sigh before giving up and going to sleep.

~Time skip to when Kakashi starts training them~

"I believe this won't be any trouble for you Noriko." Kakashi said and I looked at him perplexed.

"What do you mean it won't be difficult?" I asked.

"You're already able to infuse chakra to your weapons so this shouldn't be so difficult for you. Why don't you give it a try?" Kakashi said and I look at him for a moment before walking to the tree and focusing the chakra on my feet connecting them to the tree and started walking.

"Wha you're right! This is easy." I say as I continued to go up with no problem until I was upside down and then jumped down landing on my feet.

"Good job Noriko you may go if you wish, I believe you prefer to train alone?" He asked and I nodded before walking away deep in the woods.

"He said I should train on my own.. I don't know if I should feel honored he trusts me enough to train on my own or if I should feel disappointed I'm the only one he's not training." I mumbled and decided to summon my sword. After some time training with it I felt a presence behind me though it wasn't one I knew so it wasn't someone I know.

"Who's there?" I asked gripping my sword tighter turning around to where I sensed the presence.

"Oh so you did notice I was here. You have good instincts." Said a man who looked an awful lot like Sasuke.

"Who are you.. and why are you watching me?" I ask taking a step back, this guy is no joke I can see that much, he might even be stronger than Kakashi.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha, I'm an Akatsuki and Pain our leader has taken an interest in you." He said and I blinked.. did he just say Uchiha?!

"Are you by any chance related to Sasuke?" I asked and he nods but I still don't put my guard down.

"Why has your leader taken an interest in me?" I asked but he still didn't look faced.

"We can give you what you want." He said and I look at him strange.

"And what's that?" I ask my sword still pointing at him.

"A real family, power. We can train you and all we ask is that you join us." He said and my eyes widen how did he know.

"We've watched you over this past year or so and we've seen how you're treated, like you don't even exist. A girl with your power should not be ignored and far less treated like that." He said voice calm.

"My power?" I ask lowering my sword slightly.

"Yes, that sword you possess, it's the soul trapper isn't it?" He asked and I blinked nodding slowly.

"Do you know the full extent of the power that blade possesses?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"It is said that once every 100 years a Haruno is born with the ability to summon and use the sword known as soul trapper. A sword that lives up to its name, it traps people's souls and they can later be used as weapons." He explains making me look at the black blade in front of me.

"Come with me and you'll have power like you've never had before. We'll train you and treat you as one of our own. Will you accept?" He asked again.

"I... I need some time to think about this.. is that ok?" I ask putting my sword down as he nodded.

"I'll be waiting for you tonight right here. If you decide to come then we can go, but if you don't then the offer is off." He said and I nodded and just like that he disappears leaving me alone to think. Even after I got back to Tazuna's house and ate dinner I was still in deep thought till finally I decided to take the offer. Isn't leaving my family behind what I always wanted? Why wouldn't I take that chance?!

"I'm going to bed now. Excuse me." I say bowing before almost running to the room and started packing everything I brought before leaving out the window running to the same spot I was training before finding Itachi sitting there.

"I thought you wouldn't come." He said looking up and I shrug.

"I'm sorry I made you wait.. I'll go with you now." I say as he nods getting up and started to walk signaling me to follow.

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