Best friends... And Uni...

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I woke up at 9am. I had 3 hours to get ready before hanging out with Alyssa. I'm so happy for her, she has been waiting for Ed, like forever.

I got in the shower, when I was done with the shower I got dressed, then did my make-up. When I was done getting ready it was already 11 am.

I had texted Alyssa telling her I'll see her soon.

She texted back almost instanly saying 'Oh-tay so at 12? - Alyssa'

I replied by saying 'Yep - Cher'

I went to get something to drink then I brushed my teeth.

When I was done it was it was already 11:50 am.

I knew Alyssa would be here soon.

There was a knock at the door, I went and opened and it was Alyssa.

We went to starbucks I could tell something was wrong.

I asked her "Whats wrong?"

She said "Mum told me today that the uni I got accepted at is in America"

I replied by saying "Oh... Well I'll visit you as much as I an! I'm sure Ed would to!'

"I hope" Is what she stated

"You wanna go tell everyone else?" (A/N: Eveyone else is One Direction and the girl friends)

"Yes, Ed might be with them, he uaslly is!"

I started luaghing

When we got in her car 'Want U Back' was on we started singing and dancing around in our seats.

After 4 more songs came on we were at pur destination.

We knocked on the door twice, once for each of us.

Morgan opened the door, she is Niall's beautiful girl friend.

She gave each of us hug and welcomed us in. We went to the lounge, Alyssa was right Ed was right there sitting on the floor. She went and sat beside him. 

"So I hear y'all are together?" Asked Liam

"Yup!" Replied Alyssa popping the 'p' at the end.

"Y'all are to cute!" Screamed Emma

"Okay well Alyssa you want me to tell them or you tell them the real reason we came here?" I asked her

"I'll tell them"

"Tell us what?" Asked Niall

"Well... As you all know I'm going to uni right?" Alyssa asked

"Yeah?" Was most of their replys

"Well I found out that its in... America"

The room was quiet for a couple minutes. Then Ed spoke up saying "When are you going?"

"In about two weeks"

The room was filled with 'Oh's'

"Well this is awkward.... Lets play truth or dare!!!" Screamed Zayn

"Okay I wanna go frist! Emma thruth or dare?" asked Alyssa

"Dare!" She said confindenly 

"I dare... you and Harry to do 7 minuted in heaven!'' Said Alyssa

"Okay...." Emma replied unsure

"Well, lets go!" Screamed Harry

"Okay" Replied Emma

After they went in there we decided not to get them out when 7 minutes was up. They were in their for about 12 minutes. It was funny becasue when we opened the door they were in a full on make out session.

Louis cleared his throught and Emma and Harry awkwardly sperated.

I looked at my phone noticed we have been there for 4 hours. I had to leave but Alyssa decided to stay since her and Ed were watching a movie.

After I left I went home took a shower, got ready for bed, then fell into a deep sleep.

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