The Twitter Clues/ && Surprises...

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Victoria's P.O.V

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Morgan and Niall aren't here like in London" Said Liam

Present Day:

Alyssa's P.O.V

"Hey! Look they both posted something on twitter!" I screamed

"What did they post!?" Screamed/asked Zayn

"Its say's "We are here!" Then a picture" I said going down stairs

"What was in the picture?" Asked Harry

"Um, a cabin, looks like in the mountains" I said

The room was filled with 'Oh's

Morgan's P.O.V

Me and Niall decided to go on a secert vacation. We both posted a picture on twitter of the cabin, in the mountains, that we happen to be at.

"I got the rest of the bags" Niall said coming inside

"Okay, do you think they are worried about us?" I asked

"They probably are" he answered

Cher's P.O.V

We are so worried all we know is that, they probably at a cabin the the mountains.

"Do you think that they will get into trouble?" Ashlyn asked bringing me out if my thoughts

"No, they are old enough to know to not to get into trouble" I answered she just nodded her head

Alyssa's P.O.V

I'm kinda mad that Niall and Morgan didn't tell us they were going. Well they probably didn't want any of us to ask if we could go with them.

At mine and Victoria's uni has had some troubles with peoples schedule so they postponed the first day, for another week. Josh is buying a house near uni, so they can still be together.

There was a knock at the door, I got up and got it.

(Play music off side bar.. NOW)

"Hello" Said some random lady

"Uh hi?" I said well asked...

"We are with defacts and I have been told that Ashlyn price dosent have a guardian so I will have to take her"

"What no I'm her sister!" I screamed at her

"We have to she is underage and your not legal guardian" she told me

"NO!" I yelled again as tears flew from my eyes freely

"We have to" she barging in the house looking for her "Ashlyn, Ashlyn Price"

"Um hello?"

"We have to take you with us for a while go get your stuff"

Ashlyn's P.O.V

"We have yo take you with us for a while go get your stuff"

"Not until you tell me why, and where I'm going" I stated

"We are taking you into defacts" the random lady said

"Uh no" I simply said walking off into the lounge

"Uh yes" She Said following me

"Ugh!" I screamed through out the house going to the room that Cher was letting me stay in. I shut and locked the door.

"I understand you don't want to leave your sister but. she us not your legal guardian, and she is to young to adopt you" She said though the door

"Well I'm not leaving, and you can't make me!" I shouted

"We are with the law we can do anything" she stated

"Ugh okay" I said starting to cry

I started packing my things. After I was done packing, I opened the door and ran straight the Alyssa.

"Come get me as soon as you can" I said crying into her shoulder

"I will, I promise" she said back

"Okay well lets go" the lady said

"Hold on let me say bye every body" I said

"Okay hurry up" she said impatient much?

"Cher, well I've known you forever! And you are like another big sister me. I will never forget you and I will always love you! Emma, I've known you as long as I've known the boys. so for two years haha. I know we never really got to know each other but I still love you. Boys, well I will always love yall. Y'all are like brother to me. Victoria, I only met you about one week ago. And I'm already close to you, and I will still love you. Now Ed, I've known you for a long time, you like a brother. I love you, like a sister. Now only if Morgan and Niall were here" I said all that while crying.

They all gave me a hug, then the lady took me.

Alyssa's P.O.V

I posted on Twitter 'Please pray we get our Ashlyn back xoxo' mentions came flooding in, asking if she died or what happened. I Twitted again 'No she didn't die, defacts said I'm not a legal guardian, and that since our parents are died she has to go with them'

Morgan's P.O.V

"Niall! Did you see what Alyssa posted on Twitter?!" I asked

"Yes, I saw both of them"

"After the Halloween party can we please go back?" I asked

"Yes, most defiantly" He answered

I just nodded, and walked to the kitchen, to put food up.

"Niall you ready to leave to go get our Halloween costumes?" I asked after I put the food up

"Yeah, lets go!" he replied

When we were at the store Niall asked

"Should we match like prisoner and cop?"

"That's a wonderful idea!" I answered

I was the cop, and he was the prisoner.

Ashlyn's P.O.V

I got the orphanage and I shared a room with 11 other girls, they were between the ages 10-14. I was the oldest, I didn't like it here. I was ready for Alyssa to come and get me.

I made one friend, her name was Kellie, but everybody called her Kel. All the other girls were either at detention or at piano, flute, or ballet . When Kel told me about the other girls they were either, big directioners, a rusher, brat, or beliber. I was more of a Jonatic, 2008 music I know.

When the girls got back they seemed pretty cool, except for one little crew. Their crew had one 10 year old, one 11 year old and, two 12 years olds.

They were all the youngest, and the preppyest.

The ones who weren't preppy are three 13 year olds and Kel.

Eds P.O.V

I felt so bad at the moment, Ashlyn was like a little sister to me. Well she pretty much was. I'm going to go her, for Alyssa of course, I'm old enough to adopt so why not?

I got to the orphanage, our of the whole house there were girls between the ages 1 month, to 17 years old.

I went the office door and knocked.

"Come in" said the lady

I obeyed and went in. "I would not like to adopt a girl, by the name of Ashlyn Price" I informed her

"Okay, well she just came in here, she is in room C-12. Follow me" she said

"Okay" I followed her to the room Ashlyn was sitting on a bed, talking to some girls. When I walked in Ashlyn ran over to hug me. Some girls gasped and were staring at me.

"Im adopting you Ashlyn" I told her.

A/N: Awe!!! Sadness then happiness:)

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If I get that, I will put a confession in my next chapter!:)

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