Happy Days

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Yes I updating again today:) Anywho y'all should check out my other book:) And, please vote, comment, and fan me:)  No, you say? Well it was worth a try anyway....

Carry on with the book.

Alyssa's P.O.V

Cher came back from the studio  a couple of mintues ago. She showed me her new song and told me it's about me. I was so happy, I never thought she would write a song about me.

I listened to it, and I loved it! 

"That was amazing! Thank you Cher! Thank you so much!"  I thanked her

"Your welcome!" She said

A while after that we all went to bed.

-The next morning-

I walked down stairs. I didn't see anyone. Was I the first one up? No I'm never first one up! I thought to myself.

I walk in the kitchen there water boiling, I walk over to it and it's egs boiling. Someone is up somewhere. I walk around the house I see no one! I walk in the basement, then ran out of the basement because it was dark down there. 

I look out the window to the driveway, the cars are here. I walk in all the rooms, no in is the rooms. I hear a shower running I knock on the bath room door, nothing.

"Hello? Anyone in there?!" I screamed

Nothing. I go in there and no one is there. I turn the shower off and leave the bathroom.

I thought something bad has happened to them.

I go back down stairs. 

Victoria and Ashlyn are on the chouch watching the telly. Cher is fixing her breakfast, which is the boiling eggs.

"When did y'all get in here?!" I screamed

"We have been in here the whole time?" Said Ashlyn coming out more like a question 

"No y'all weren't! I came down here and y'all were not here!"  I screamed/stated

"Hahahaha! Okay, okay you caught us!" Said Cher

"I turned on the shower, Cher out her breakfast on the stove, and Ashlyn thought of a hiding place" Said Victoria

"I picked we go in the basement because I knew wouldn't go all the way down there" Said Ashlyn

"Y'all are evil!" I shouted at them

I posted on twitter saying 

'@AlyssaLuvrzu -  I live with evil people! @HiItsAshlyn @CherLloyd @Torirox98'

 (The only twitters that are real on this is @CherLloys and @Torirox98 <-- That one is mine! Follow me hahaha!)

'@CherLloyd - Haha it was funny! @AlyssaLuvrzu @HiItsAshlyn @Torirox98'

'@HiItsAshlyn - Haha you know you love us! @AlyssaLuvrzu @CherLloyd @Torirox98'

'@Torirox98 - Sorry bro, thought it was funny! Haha @AlyssaLuvrzu @HiItsAshlyn @CherLloyd'

We all started laughing like crazy! Morgan texted me and asked me if her and the others can come over

"Hey can Morgan and the others come over?" I asked Cher

"Yes!" She screamed

"Okay!" I screamed back

I told Morgan yes, and she told me they will be here in about 20. 

"There gonna be here in 20 minutes" I told them

The room was filled with 'okay's

 -20 mintues later-

The door bell rang and Ashlyn went to get it. 

"Hey!" Ashlyn said

They all said hey back.

They came in here, and we were just talking about random things.

"Victoria" Emma said

She looked up from her phone, I guess she was on twitter.

"hmm?" She asked

"Well me and Morgan found out something" Emma said 

'Which is?" Victoria said with worry on her face

"Well" Morgan started "We found out that" long paulse

"What?" Victoria asked

"Well, Josh likes you!" Emma and Morgan screamed together

"Really? Me?" Victoria said blushing

"Yep" Morgan said

Victoria's P.O.V

"Well, Josh likes you!" Emma and Morgan screamed together

"Really? Me?" I asked my cheeks felt super hot, I guess I was blushing...

 "Yep" Morgan said

"So do you like him back?" Emma asked me

"Yeah.." I asnwered 100% truthfuly

Everybody said 'awh' 

"We are going to get y'all together!" Said El

"Okay y'all have fun with that" I said while laughing

"We will, we will!" Said Dani

Everbody else just laughed.

Updating again tomorrow:) Suprises ahead of you:)

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