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Six Years Ago...

I was 10, nearly 11 when I walked into the bathroom of our small, cramped apartment. That's when I saw it. My mother's dead body in the bathtub, wrists vertically slit, blood steadily pouring out of them along with an empty pill container that was full that morning.

"Mama wake up! Mama!" I screamed and cried, but it was no use. She was gone and I knew it.

I went over to Rosie's crib and held her in my arms as I frantically packed our things into a big backpack and threw it over my shoulders, carrying Rosie in my arms as I left the house, not wanting the police to come to get us and separate Rosie and me.

Unfortunately, neighbors saw me carrying Rosie with our stuff and called the police, who found us a few blocks away.

"Hey, there sweetie," one of the officers softly called out to me.

I immediately froze, holding Rosie closer to me than ever.

"It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you or your sister honey," the lady spoke, slowly approaching us and kneeling down to my level.

"What's your name dear?"


"Well Izzy, I'm officer Jones, but you can call me Miranda. Who's that you got there?" she asked, gesturing to the nine-month-old baby I was holding in my arms.

"Rosie, my baby sister."

"How old are you two?"

"I'm 10 and she's nine months old."

"Lovely. Can I get your birthdays please?"

I gave her our birthday and she wrote all the information down on her clipboard.

"Okay, can I see Rosie for a second please?"

"No! You get me AND Rosie, not just Rosie, and no one takes Rosie from me!"

"Okay sweetheart. We're not going to separate you two, but I am going to need you two to come with me and my buddy Steven here. Is that okay?"

Reluctantly, I nodded and let the kind lady lead the way to the vehicle.

Throughout the car ride, she kept asking me about what happened and refused to answer. I simply sat there without saying a word. After a few minutes of trying to get me to talk, I finally did, and what I said shocked the two of them as much as it shocked me.

"Mommy killed herself..."

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