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"Unfortunately, that's just life," she spoke before having Rosie and me go upstairs. I love the woman to death, but sometimes she's a real pain in the ass when it comes to hope and optimism.

"Go pick out something nice bug, some people are coming over to see if they want us," I told Rosie before going to my side of the room and throwing something together for myself.

Once I was finished with my shit, I went over to check on Rosie, who was getting ready in the room while I took the bathroom.

"Perfect as always," I praised her before the two of us went down to the living room to relax before our potential adopters would come.

I hated waiting. Anticipation is something I hate almost as much as I hate being woken up in the morning. I sat on the couch, fidgeting around in every which way.

"Hey... you're going to be okay. Who knows, maybe this time will be different," Kevin comforted me.

"I know.. but I don't want to be the reason Rosie doesn't get to have a normal childhood."

"Iz, neither of you two have had a normal childhood and nothing you say or do is going to change that."

"Yeah, but I can't help but feel that I'm holding her back from having a better life. She won't go without me and usually, people want kids her age rather than dealing with a fucked up teenager. I age out in a couple of years and the last thing I want to do is leave her in this hellhole by herself."

"She'll be fine and so will you. You deserve happiness too Izzy, not the kind of things you've been through in the past. And who knows, maybe this time will be different, maybe it won't. But no matter what, you'll always have this place. No matter what happens, you will always be our family. But you can't keep shutting out every single person that walks through that door to talk to you. You have to trust your gut, and I know it tells you to trust people."

"I guess.. thanks bud."

"Anytime," he replied, pulling me in for a hug.

Just then, the doorbell rang, followed by four rather tall dudes. Shit. They look so intimidating. God help us...

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