chapter 1: the betrayal, the depression and the escape

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it all started three days after the end of the Vertress conference in unova. in pallet town a young boy of 14 named Ashura Richard Ketchum with his iconic starter pokemon Pikachu, heading to his mother's house (aka home). [btw [] is AN, () is thoughts, {} is translated pokespeech ~~ is telepathy. and moves will be typed normaly and no multi legendary interference]

ash ran to his mother's house with Pikachu on his shoulder and knocked on the door. the door opened after a few seconds and ash's mother: Delia aurora Ketchum "Ashie your back" spoke Delia with a small smile on her face "hey mom" said ash as he walked into his mom's home.

when he walked into the living room he saw all his travelling companions and rivals[bar trip and Tracy who I'm ignoring as well as max who i'll introduce next chapter]. "hey guys, why are you guys here" said ash in a friendly tone "well we wanna ask you a favour ash" said dawn in a sweet voice. "what is it dawn" said ash curiously. "we want you to stop pursuing your dream to become a pokemon master" said misty in a harsh voice. "WHAT!!!!!" shouted ash, Paul and Gary in shock.

"ash you suck" "your battle style is blander than Vannila" "ash you held us down" "your a dumb kid with a dumber dream" "your a pathetic weakling" "your a failure" were some of the insulting phrases thrown at ash.

"WHAT THE HELL YOU GUYS WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS!!!!" shouted ash. "yeah what did ashy-boy do? NOTHING!!" said Gary "yeah what did he do? HUH!!" said Paul. the betrayers were stunned still.

"Gary, Paul lets go" said ash and they left and ran while the betrayers were to stunned to move

the professor heard a knock on his door "hmm is it Gary?" he opened the door to see Gary, Paul and ash " come in but what has brought you here" said Samuel oak the explained everything that happened and professor oak was furious "after everything ash has done for them they went and did WHAT!!!!" said the 53 1/2 year old in his rage "THEY WILL PAY FOR THAT!!" "don't worry gramps ash will get back at them" said Gary "ash, you okay" said Paul "what if there right that I am a failure" said ash "no your not ash top 16 in kanto, top 8 in jhoto, hoenn and unova, top 4 in sinnoh that's pretty good ashy-boy plus you've beat the orange league and battle frontier and have taken down 4 legendaries so don't sell your self short ash" said Gary "and saved the world over a dozen times my boy" said the professor "yeah ash" said Paul "yeah you guys are right but were is Tracy?" said ash "well Tracy decided to become an independent researcher two months ago" said Samuel oak "well ill go and check on my pokemon"


"well everybody except Pikachu is betraying me too" said ash  "what why" said Paul "I don't know, probably the same as the betrayers" said ash "what are you going to do now" said Gary "professor can you give me access to mount silver to train there for a year" said ash "of course my boy and show them true strength when you return" said professor oak "can do professor" said ash before he left pallet town for mount silver for a year.

update: so hex here I just published a sequel to this story called Ashura raijin returns and a story I published a while back called champion hishika, champion hishika is a prequel to this story that I hope to soon update.


Sinnoh Elite Four Member, Thunder God Ashura RaijinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz