thunder god vs young prodigy part 3

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haikili: "go!"

max: "breloom, go!"

out of the pokeballs came a floating magnezone and breloom in a battle stance

haikili: "flash cannon"

max: "close combat"

breloom came close to magnezone and threw various punches and kicks however this left it vulnerable to the flash cannon unleashed by the magnezone which caused breloom to faint.

referee: "breloom has fainted, challenger return breloom to its pokeball and call out another pokemon"

max: "go!, metang use brick break" [I have metang instead because I was going to put in metagross but decided to make this fair]

haikili: "magnezone, use signal beam!"[tutor move in USUM]

metang used its arm to strike magnezone with fighting energy in a chopping motion inflicting mild damage then magnezone retaliated by firing of a beam of bug energy striking metang and nearly knocking it out.

max: "metang use explosion"

haikili: "magnez-"

metang shot an unstable ball of normal energy at the middle of the battlefield which caused an explosion which caused both to faint.

referee: "both pokemon are unable to battle, trainers recall your fanted pokemon and call out another."

and that is where  I am leaving this part next part will not be focused on this battle but on something else important to the story.

edit: also I wanna say that if any of know deluge rpg which is a pokemon fangame and play it I have made an account that has ash from this stories team to fight so either use your account or create a new account and make a team to fight mine also I have a personel one called hexlerminojames.

update: so hex here I just published a sequel to this story called Ashura raijin returns and a story I published a while back called champion hishika, champion hishika is a prequel to this story that I hope to soon update.


Sinnoh Elite Four Member, Thunder God Ashura RaijinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant