AN 1

907 4 1

OK so 1 day and I gained 27 read s on this story wot 

and on the tag flint I go from #21 to #8 in 1 day

well just goes to show that in 13 days you can achieve a lot

also two days ago I posted a new book 

and I want you guys and girls to comment or message me for a side story book idea

also go check out rockyjwarrior

and his story I think that you will like it if you like this story.

also I bet you cant wait for the next part!!!!!!!

edit: so 5 days later I have over a hundred reads on this

also this story is going on hiatus because I have writers block

see you soon in 1 to 1 1/2 months.

edit 2: so I have readers from the uk, us, Canada and Taiwan

I have 111 reads and 4 votes

I am going to start work either today or tomorrow on part 5

flint is now #20 and today 05/05/2019

see you guys and girls soon.

Sinnoh Elite Four Member, Thunder God Ashura RaijinWhere stories live. Discover now