thunder god vs young prodigy part 4

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Champion's pov

"I think you can see why I was so confident on him winning" said Cynthia, champion of sinnoh

"you weren't kidding" said Steven stone, champion of hoenn

"who is he?" said alder, champion of unova

"interesting, an elite four member and challenger both on our paradigm of power" said the champion of kanto and jhoto, Hishika Ketchum a 26 year old with leather gentleman's coat and pants and underneath it a red buttoned up frilled shirt with an up-facing collar with spiky raven hair tied up in a ponytail with a flick of hair in his face who had bags under his red eyes and who was slim but muscular and tall at 6'3 and had a revolver tucked in his right coat pocket.

"what?" said alder

"I said they are almost as strong as us idiot" said hishika

battler's pov

haikili/max: "go!"

out came a zebstrika and a pupitar

max: "pupitar use double edge"

haikili: "use blaze kick"

pupitar flew forward at zebstrika covered in normal energy at super speeds but zebstrika jumped above of pupitar a the last second causing pupitar to hit the wall of the battle field inflicting recoil damage meanwhile zebstrika dive bombed at pupitar at a 90 degree angle with its front right leg covered in fire energy at speeds faster than an arcanine using extreme speed which when it hit pupitar knocked it out immediately.

referee: "challenger return your pokemon and send out another"

max: "pupitar return, go! jirachi use metronome"

haikili: "zebstrika use wild charge"

jirachi closed all but one finger in to its hand waved it around causing stars to pop out of thin air and start flying at zebstrika, how ever zebstrika dodged them all by zig zagging through all of them then running and jumping at jirachi hitting them directly and causing its face to be scratched up and fall down a bit

haikili: "flame charge, FULL POWER!!!!"

max: "jiachi use hyper beam with EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!!!!"

zebstrika covered its body in fire energy and blitzed at its opponent faster than a bullet while jirachi charge a hell of a lot of normal energy between its to hands and then zebstrika hit jirachi which caused the ball of energy to cause and explosion that engulfed the entire battle field send both pokemon, there trainers and the referee flying.

that took 2 hours and forty minutes during that windows 10 revealed itself to be a piece of shit a spider appeared right next to my face and I want to watch a human corpse burn to ash any ways hope you enjoyed this was over 400 words in one chapter so remember vote, comment and have a nice day 23:43 13/05/2019. all songs uploaded by night core zeus and go check out rockyjwarrior and his two stories goodbye also don't expect to see me do anything important for a week.

edit: go check out my new story it features hishika and is a prequel to this story.

update: so hex here I just published a sequel to this story called Ashura raijin returns and a story I published a while back called champion hishika, champion hishika is a prequel to this story that I hope to soon update.


Sinnoh Elite Four Member, Thunder God Ashura RaijinWhere stories live. Discover now