thunder god vs young prodigy part 5 + 200 reads

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so before we begin I just hit 200 reads and that was my goal then and now its 500 so in 2-3 months and then I will go too 1k then 2k then 5k then 10k and so on you get the idea and I decided to finish this battle which has taken up most of the story as well as alluded to the threat of the current arc. also the video above I found while searching for music for a fanfic idea. now onto the battle.

battler's POV

referee: "both pokemon have been knocked out, trainers return your pokemon and send out your last pokemon"

haikili/max: "return, Go!"

out came an eelektross and a gallade prepared to fight

max: "gallade mega evolve, use leaf blade"

haikili: "electric terrain then use thunder bolt"

max put two fingers on a weird which spew forth four beams of multi-coloured energy which all headed for a slightly bigger and slightly different stone which then covered gallade and caused him to shape shift into mega-gallade and one of his arm infused blades shone with grass energy and he flung and slashed it at eelektross who dodged it then cause the whole field to be tinted yellow and be covered in electicity and the shot an arc of electricity at mega-gallade hitting him directly and giving him paralysis ad causing a few 1 inch deep cuts to open.

haikili: "thunder fang"

max: "swords dance then power-up punch"

a jaw shaped construct made up of electricity appeared and snapped at mega-gallade which opened up some other minor cuts however then four giant sword constructs of fighting energy appeared and spun around mega-gallade which increased mega-gallade's power then he covered one of his fists in fighting energy and punched eelektross in the face which also gave him more power.

haikili: "alright this has been fun but I think its time we finish this, use zap cannon"

max: "no use protect"

mega-gallade formed a hollow ball of normal energy around itself and protecting its self but a big concentrated beam of electricity shot by eelektross at mega-gallade hit the shield and then paralysis kicked in and caused mega-gallade to flinch and for the shield to broken, allowing the zap cannon to point blank directly hit mega-gallade engulfing him and sending him reeling back, injured and knocked out.

referee: "and with that ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, elite four member Ashura Richard 'Haikili' Raijin formerly Ashura Richard Ketchum has beaten the challenger Max Norman maple in a 4v6 single battle format and has denied max from fighting Cynthia Camilla, sinnoh league champion and possibly gaining the title of champion of sinnoh and with the sinnoh league is over for this year folks"

battle is over

champion's POV

"wow" said alder

"amazing" said Steven stone

"longo vivas tempore, princeps meus ash-chisana" said Hishika while crying and reaching his hand out and his eyes starting to glow more with a frown on his face

and with that this is the end of this part see you guys soon also go check out the people who make these videos and what hishika said was 'live long, my little prince small ash' with every thing except small ash being in latin and small ash in Japanese. and thanks for reading my story goodbye also longest yet at 554 words.

update: so hex here I just published a sequel to this story called Ashura raijin returns and a story I published a while back called champion hishika, champion hishika is a prequel to this story that I hope to soon update.


Sinnoh Elite Four Member, Thunder God Ashura RaijinWhere stories live. Discover now