Let's Do This

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Callie: Marie?! I swear I saw a another letter in here, but I can't find it anymore! HELP ME

Marie: I have it. 


Marie: Because I hate hearing you scream my name all the time. 

Callie: Oh, sorry. I'll get Off the Hook this t--

Marina: No need. We're here. 

Callie: Why are you here already?!

Pearl: We knew you would have another letter already. Ed_Wheezer, right?

Marie: *looks at the letter* Yep. Oh, and another person this time. Hyksos2001. (Shout out to you!)  

Marina: Well, I want to meet this Ed_Wheezer person! She seems like a wonderful fan! 

Callie: Especially to me~! 

Pearl: Oh, shut your mouth. 

Marie: *sigh* Let's just go answer these. 

They go and sit down. 

Callie: Marie, you read it this time.

Marie: *nods* This one is just for Pearl. 

Pearl: *grins triumphantly* Haha! In yo face, Callie. 

Marie: *ahem* Anyway, "Who do you usually have as teammates when you play Turf War? And what ranked mode is your favorite?" 

Pearl: Uh, Marina comes with me all the time, but sometimes I have my cousins come and play with us. Ranked mode, CLAM BLITZ. Cause it's new, and fresh, and everyone doesn't have to play as a team. 

Marie: ...Okay...next question for all of us, " What gear ability do you favor and why?" For me, it would be ninja squid, because I like sneaking up on people.

Callie: I love swim speed up! For, personal reasons. 

Marina: Umm, sub saver, I love using my subs~

Pearl: Gah, it has to be faster respawning, cause I HATE WATCHING MY ENEMY BE SO GOOD. 

Callie: *giggles* Seems like you hold grudges. 

Pearl: NO I DON'T! 

Marie: Let's move on. Oh, it's a dare. 

Callie and Pearl: OH! A DARE! 

Marie: "Everyone has to say three things they like about the other three ." 

Pearl and Callie glare at each other. 

Marina: I'll go first. I love that both Callie and Marie have been in a--*ahem*--secret club to do something bigger than themselves. I like that Callie is always seeing the bright side of things, and that Marie cares so much for her. Is that enough?

Marie: Yeah, that's fine. I like that Marina is a *cough, cough* Octo *cough cough* ling, but she holds no grudges against inklings. 

Pearl: What do ya mean, 'holds no grudges against inklings'? She is a inkling! *Marina turns red* 

Marie: ... 

Marina: T-that's right! I-I am an inkling. *looks to Marie for help* 

Marie: Okay...I like that Callie loves all kind just like her fam, and that Pearl is a rapper. Cause, my grandpa is a rapper, I guess, and yours sounds so much better. 

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