Why Does It Suck To Be A College Student?

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Robin wasn't sure what she was going to do with only two classes this semester. Should she sign up for another class, or should she use her abundant free time to study? She had been looking at the course catalog for anything that piqued her interest, but hadn't have much luck. A lot of the classes were full and there were only a few days left to be able to add or drop classes without a hefty fee. Maybe an online elective would be better... like a class on how to strengthen your magic power? That caught her attention!

The girl didn't consider herself strong in the mana department. Bryn would probably surpass her in everything, as would the other Masters. As she dwelled on that concept, she sighed. Why in the world did the Grail choose her, again? Edmo- er... the Count deserved a better, stronger master than Robin Fea. She could only do so much-

"Stop. Degrading yourself will not give you answers, especially if your allegations are nothing but false."

The Count appeared behind her in a wisp of shadow; looming over the brunette's hunched-over posture as she sat in her desk chair; the light of her laptop serving as the only source of brightness in the room at eleven o'clock at night. Robin bit her lip. He was able to read her like an open book. Was it that obvious?

"I'm sorry, Count, I... I need to become the best I can be, and I don't know if I can be that for you-"

His Master began, before he closed his eyes in contemplation. This was going to be an interesting contract, certainly. A Master who doubted her abilities as a mage and notoriously over-thought everything, but was so selfless as to sacrifice herself for others... was it not apparent why the Grail chose her? Sprucing the war up with someone like Robin was just what the magi community, if not the world, needed, but some higher power had other reasons for choosing a mediocre college student like her.

"Master, if you're really that concerned, do something about it. Don't sit there and wallow. Only fools do that. You have the ability to change yourself. You're looking at classes, correct? Sign up for one that can help you excel in your magic. Go to the library in the free time that you have now and study books. Study them until you can recite it back without glancing down at the page if you have to. You are enough. Are you going to guide me like the Abbé? Or are you going to succumb to your own self-pity?"

Robin sat there listening to him as if he had just made a prolific speech. He definitely had, but did he know how much it meant to her to hear something like that from him? Sure, they had met about a week ago, but he was opening up slowly but surely, and she delighted in seeing it. First, he tells her his True Name, and then, just days later, he speaks more than just a sentence or two! It was a process, but she was thankful to be there every step of the way to experience it. She'd be lying if she said tears didn't well up in her eyes; a warm smile gracing her features.

"You have a good point... thank you, Count."

The sleeves of her pink cardigan were utilized as temporary tissues before her Servant picked up on the situation at hand and held out a box of Kleenex in front of her.

"Don't soil your cardigan. You just washed that yesterday."

Being a Servant had its perks, such as being able to learn about who your Master was as a person just by being with them. From what he could differ, his Master was unlike anyone he had seen outside of his "world". She reminded him of Abbé Faria in that she implemented not just God, but goodness and grace into everything she did, or at least tried to. She was nowhere near perfect, and her struggles to be the best that she could be were embarrassing if not revealing of her inner character. Her inward and outward selves were both one in the same, but even the Count knew that beneath her joy was a bedrock of past trauma. He was no psychological archeologist; he wasn't going to go mining through her subconscious to find his answers and accepted that, in time, she would open up to him as much as he had. Granted, giving her his name shouldn't have been so difficult, but he didn't consider it simple, let alone meaningful, in the slightest. Everything carried weight to it; it was just a matter of distributing it.

The brunette had used up a good six tissues; tossing them into her Ciao Cat trash bin beside her desk as she used them. Through blurred vision, Robin scrolled through the list of available classes and found a seminar titled Magecraft and Mana, which she could have sworn wasn't there before. There was one seat left open! In her heart, she could feel the urge to add herself to said course, and even Count seemed to be urging her further silently. The seminar was online and consisted of heavy reading, practice, and hours of dedication a day. With an open schedule like hers, it was a perfect fit! Robin managed a wry smile through her quivering lips and hid her face in her palms as if her cardigan were going to soak up the rest of her tears. She didn't know what her servant was up to until there were two quiet clicking noises behind her.

Avenger had been preparing her bed by pulling back the covers and turning on her heated blanket to the medium setting on the attached remote. Turning around in her wooden chair, she was able to watch the last remaining fragments of her Servant disappear into the surrounding darkness. Her window had been open a crack to let in some cool, fresh air but the only thing missing was the noise machine. She didn't think she would need it tonight, considering how nice the wind sounded, and instead flocked straight to her prepared bed.

Not much had happened today anyway, considering how her Heroes and Villains class was abruptly canceled for some unknown reason. She had reached out to Bryn a few times, but for some reason, her friend was out at Mal-Wart buying more clothes for Lancer. Why hadn't she thought of that for Avenger? He definitely needed a modern-day makeover, and who better to ask than Robin? Okay, maybe that was a bad idea considering how she wore pastels every single day, but that wasn't the point! As she giggled to herself, waddled beneath her blankets, she tried to distract herself from anything else that might prevent her from going to sleep. French Literature class was tomorrow, and they were going to start a new text!

Wait, speaking of text, Bryn made a group text chat with Lancer, herself, and Robin. Avenger didn't have a phone yet, but B had told her the extensive story behind how Lancer bought a new Elppa phone, SIM card activated and everything, from God knows where. Could he possibly get one for the Count? She wanted to send a text their way, but decided that getting a good eight hours of sleep was better. Was that too selfish? She was starting to worry about that until a strong gust of wind rushed through her dorm. What in the world? Was that her Servant telling her to get the eff to sleep? Either way, she took it as a sign that she should hit the hay for the night, and that's exactly what she did.
Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair!

A/N: Ellpa= Apple (as in the company) ; Mal-Wart= Walmart. thank you so so much for reading!! stay tuned!! i apologize for not having any notes for a while <3

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