The Babbling Brook

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Alcor's (POV)

I woke up by crashing back down to my bed, like every morning. "Ugh..." Whenever I fall to sleep, my body goes into it's most relaxed state, like everyone else, except, unlike everyone else, my body's most relaxed state is floating a few feet above my bed. "sigh..." I glance over at the clock on my wall and see that it's already 9:34 Am. "Guess I'd better get up." I said to no one in particular. So, I heave myself out of bed and glide a few inches above the floor over to the door and out into the hall deciding to stay in my pajamas. When I get to the Railing at the top of the stairs, I just fly right over it and land gracefully onto the floor in the hall leading into the kitchen.

"Good morning, little Birdie." my Grandfather greeted me. "Lovely morning, Mr. Crow." I replied happily. He was my Grandfather Crowe, so that was my name for him. "What would'ja like for breakfast this morning, Starshine?" he asked all the while fixing himself a cup of tea. "Scalloped potatoes, please, Grandpa." I respond cheerfully. "You're not really supposed to have left-overs for breakfast, but... you can for today, alright, Little Birdie?" "Thanks, Grandpa." I sat down at the wooden counter and waited patiently for my food. "So," he began. "hear  from any schools yet?" "Actually... a letter arrived late last night." "Really? That's wonderful! Where's it from? Beauxbatons?" he inquired excitedly. "No, actually. From a place called Hogwarts." "...Hogwarts?" "yup, Hogwarts" "Your father attended Hogwarts, you know." "He did?" I asked astonished. Grandfather never  talked about my parents. "Yes, he was in Slytherin. That's how your mother met him. The Triwizard Tournament was being held at Beauxbatons that year, and your Father, being from Hogwarts, got to visit Beauxbatons for it. That's how they met." he finished.

My mouth hung slightly open as he told me this. The only thing I knew about my parents were that their names were Nahira Evangeline-Mae Crowe, and Nembus Alexander Thorne. Also, that they died in a mysterious fire when I was an infant,so I have no memories of them. Except for one, that is (But, I'll tell you that later). He was even hesitant to tell me that much!

Grandfather's (POV)

I looked over at the girl with long, raven hair sitting in front of me, searching her blazing amber eyes to see if it was ok that I had just sprung all of that on her. "Wow..." was all she said. I sighed deeply in relief when I heard the 'Ding!' that indicated her potatoes were done. Even though I could just use magic for a lot of tasks, we used a lot of muggle things. For example, the micro-wave.

Alcor's (POV)

While processing what Grandfather had just told me, I hardly noticed that he had placed my food in front of me. I was suddenly snapped back to reality when I heard him saying "Alcor, earth to Alcor? You ok?" he asked in a concerned tone of voice. "Yes..." I said slowly "I want to be in Slytherin, just like Dad was!" He chuckled at this and continued to sip his tea. "Slytherin, huh?" he asked quizitivly. "Yes." 'I replied matter of factly'. "Alrighty then, Slytherin it is!"

After I had finished my food, I told Grandpa that I was going to the 'Babbling Brook' for the day, and that I'd be back around sunset, or earlier. "Alright. But bring a picnic lunch, ok? I'll make it for you while you go get dressed." "Thanks, Mr. Crowe!" I said over my shoulder, flying back upstairs to my room. I got dressed in overall shorts and a flowered short sleeved crop top. (A.N. yes, I know its 1971, but I am going to use today things, like clothes, books, movies etc...)

When I came back downstairs, Grandpa was holding a picnic basket covered with a checkered red and white cloth. I thanked him as I slipped on my running shoes, took the basket and headed out the door. 

I stepped outside,feeling the warm rays of a hot summers sun hit my face and bathe my entire body in light.I walked to the back of out cabin (Shown in first chapter) and headed into the wood. I walked along the well trodden path toward the brook, only occasionally having to jump over a branch or climb over a rock until after about 17 minutes of walking, I came to the Babbling Brook. I called it that because it sounded like a lot of things speaking all at once. Not people, things. 

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