~Angel Of Hades~

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Alcor's (POV)

The next few weeks were uneventful. Remus started to look a whole lot better, and became a cheerful boy who I hadn't yet been introduced. James and Sirius were still their cocky, over-confident stereotypical Gryffindors. Peter was, well, he kinda just followed them around. I became closer to my dorm-mates and fixed things with Victara. I still went out some nights, but always came back on time.

I made my way down to the dungeons for Potions. On the way I bumped into Severus. "Hay, Sev. What's up?" "Not a lot. You?" "Not much" With Sev, everything was calm. "Ready for Potions?" "Yeah. I'm ready to be Top of the class." He snorted at this. I nudged him saying "Aw, give it up! You know I'm better then you." He just rolled his eyes and we kept walking in a comfortable silence. 

When we got to class, we saw Lilly waving to us. Beckoning us over to our usual table. It was the small table, only three seats. It was perfect. It was also further away from the others, so we could have our peace. "Good morning, class! Your instructions are on the board. You may get started!" As usual, I was the first done, Sev was second and Lilly was third. Mine was perfect, Sev's, nearly. Lilly, very close. For the rest of the class, we chatted. Our conversations went something like this; "Did you finish the Transfiguration homework?", "What did you change this time, Alcor?" and "Class should be ending soon." It did and we went our separate ways. Charms was fun, very amusing with James and Sirius being their usual light-hearted selves. Defense against the dark arts, then Transfiguration.

 I was walking out of DADA with Peter and Remus. We were the last ones out and we were running out of time. "We're going to be late!" Remus exclaimed running his hand through his honey brown hair. Just then I remembered the secret passage. "Guys, follow me." I said, beckoning them to follow. "But, Alcor! This is the wrong way!" Peter squeaked. "Just trust me, ok? Peter? Remus?" They both nodded and came after me. I basically ran about one hall then stopped in front of the Ravenclaw banner. "Three minutes left..." Remus told us with a worried expression on his face. I put my finger to my lips demanding silence. Then, I turned back to the banner and pulled it aside to revel the tunnel. I turned around to see their faces. Both of their jaws were touching the floor. I waved them onward, for them to trail behind me. We all went in and I cast Lumos solem. We walked through and within a minute we came to the painting. "Amphisbaena" I whispered. the portrait swung open to revel the corridor. I lead them around the corner and to the Transfiguration classroom. "One and a half minutes left. Wow, Alcor. That was so cool!" Remus exclaimed. "Yeah! How'd you find that?" Peter said with a huge grin on his face. "Let's just say, I stumbled upon it." With a shrug, I walked into the classroom to go sit beside James. 

I sat on his left, while Sirius was to his right. Remus and Peter sat behind us, Lilly and Severus sat the table to our left, and the girls, Alice and Molly sat in front of us. I heard James sigh beside me. "What?" I inquired. "Lilly...  She's perfect..." I snorted. "What? She's beautiful, smart, kind, caring-" "I get the picture, James." "He's even worse in the Dorms." Sirius put in. "I am. So. Sorry for you guys." I said in mock pity, placing a hand to my heart. "Oh, give it a rest, you two." James said Huffily. "Chill out, Grumplestilskin. We didn't mean to offend you." "I'm not grumpy." he said in the grumpiest voice possible. "Fine, Fine." "And," Sirius started "Where on earth did you come up with, 'Grumplestilskin'?" "It's a saying my Grandfather uses." I smiled, remembering my Mr. Crow. 

Class flew by and before I knew it, I was standing in my dorm, talking to Molly, Lilly and Alice. Turi was curled in my lap and Victara was resting by the heater. "So," Molly started "It's almost October. The first month of school is almost over." "Yeah," Lilly agreed. "We should celebrate!" Alice proposed. "That sounds great. We should do it on the final day of September." I put in. We all agreed, and that was that. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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