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Alcor's (POV)

"Oof!" I exclaimed as I landed on my bed with 'whomp'. "Why did you wake me uuuuuppppp..." I said groggily. "You were literally floating. Feet. Above. Your bed!" Lilly almost shouted at me. "Care to explain?" Molly questioned in a motherly way with her hands resting on her hips and a stern look on her face. "Well-I-" "You what, can fly?" Alice cut in, raising an eyebrow. I didn't say anything, just shrugged in exaggeration with a 'Yesssss...?' smile on my face. "I jus- uh-" Alice said throwing her hands up in defeat. "I sorry! I forgot to tell you!" I said apologetically. "Please don't tell anyone!" "We won't tell, Alcor. Just wish you told us, as to not give us a heart attack when we see your body floating every morning?" Lilly said. "Yeah... sorry..." "Anyway, you gotta get dressed. It's already seven." "Really?!" I said "Why didn't you wake me sooner!" I exclaimed as I shot out of bed, getting my robes and changing in a hurry. "Sorry, Alcor! But you looked like a fairy-tale, floating like that! It was oddly beautiful..." Alice trailed off. "Beautiful or not, I still need to get UP!"

I got dressed, grabbed my bag of everything(I got grandpa to put an extension charm on my small messenger bag which I had filled with all I would need for today the night before.), and raced downstairs to the common room. The girls had already gone down to breakfast. "Hey guys." I said waving towards Peter, James, Sirius and a sickly looking Remus. "Finally. We were waiting forever!" James exclaimed. "Sorry, overslept." I said walking over to them "You didn't have to wait for me, you know." "Sure we did, lovely." Sirius said getting off the couch attempting to wrap his arm around my waist. "Don't even think bout it, Black." "We're your friends" Peter chimed in. "Thanks. Well, we should be off. We need to get our times tables before classes start." They all nodded in agreement, even Remus, who looked like he got hit by a truck.

We made it to the Great Hall at 7:24. Mcgonagall handed us our times tables. "I've got Potions, first. Anyone else?" "No," "Nope" Sorry." "Charms." "Aw. Well, guess I'll see you guys later." "Bye, Alor!" they all called in unison. Except Remus. He looked like he was gonna Puke. As I walked past him, I whispered "You ok, Remus? You don't look so well..." "Yeah, yeah... I'm fine Alcor." He replied with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. With that, I headed down to the Dungeons.

I got there just in time. "Ah, Miss Thorne. Just in time. Take a seat there." The professor said, gesturing to a table on the right side of the classroom. To my relief, as I walked closer, I saw that Lilly was sitting there with another kid. "Hey, Lily." I greeted her, taking my seat. "Hiya, Alcor." she smiled at me. I turned to the boy beside her. He had a huge scowl on his face. "Okay..." I said turning to look at the teacher. "I am Professor Slughorn, the Potions master here at Hogwarts. Now, If you all would open your beginners Potions books to page five, you can get started on making the antidote to common poisons." I got out my cauldron and started making the potion. I had studded Potions all the way up to fifth year at home because I really liked potions, and the instructions were... wrong. The book missed four ingredients. Honeywater, mint springs, stewed mandrake and essence of lavender. I added them and by the end of class, I had made a perfect poison antidote. "Look here, class! Miss Thorne has made the potion perfectly! Well done, Miss Thorne, 10 points to Gryffindor!" I shrunk a bit as everyone stared at me, but I was smiling. "How did you do that?" The boy next to Lilly asked. "Well, the book told me todo it wrong, so I just did it right." I told him. "My name's Severus. Severus Snape." he said holding out his hand. I shook it and said "Alcor. Alcor Thorne." Severus opened his mouth to say more, but Slughorn cut in by saying "Well done, to most of you. Class dismissed." Everyone filled out and I was pushed out with the crowd, losing Lilly and Severus.

My next class was charms. James and Sirius were there. We practiced the 'Wingardium Leviosa' spell. I got it pretty quick, but it was hilarious watching the boys try to do it. Then it was Herbology with a terrible looking Remus and Peter. After lunch, I had D.A.D.A. with Remus, James and Sirius. My next class was Transfiguration.

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