~The Sorting~

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Alcor's (POV)

We were all led inside be the big man named Hagrid, then handed off to a stern looking Witch with her hair tied neatly in a bun and wearing jade green robes. "Welcome to Hogwarts. The start of Term feast will start in just a few short minutes. But before you take your seats, you will be sorted into a house. There are four houses, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. While you attend Hogwarts, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs are their triumphs, while your defeats are theirs. Doing good will earn you House points, while any rule breaking will lose points.The house with the most points at the end of the year, will win the house cup.

"Now, wait here while I go see if we are ready for you. While you wait, I suggest you smarten yourselves out." With that, she walked through the two big doors. A few kids over, I could hear a boy boasting about how he would be in Slytherin. I hoped he wouldn't make it, if that's where I would be. "What house do you guys want to be in?" I asked the boys. "GRYFFINDOR!!" James yelled immediately. We all laughed at that, but I shivered as I was still soaking wet from falling out of the boat. I could tell the others were cold too.

Soon, the witch came back out saying "We are ready for you now. Line up, single file." We all did. Me, behind Sirius, and the others trailing along behind me. When we walked in, everyone gasped. the ceiling looked like the starry night sky was just feet above our heads. As if you could just reach up and grab a star. Everyone was also amazed by all the silvery ghosts floating around. 

When we reached the front of the Great hall, and the Witch in green robes took out an old three legged stool, and set atop it an older looking hat. Then, to everyone's surprise, the hat started to sing! When it had finished it's song, The witch announced "I will call out your name, and when I do, you will come up and get sorted." She called a few names before "Black, Sirius." He walked up and she placed the hat on his head. "GRYFFINDOR!!" the hat yelled. He got up, a look of shock on his face, and walked over to the applauding Gryffindor table. Afteranother five minutes or so, she called "Lupin, Remus." He walked up nervously and was sorted into "GRYFFINDOR!!" and walked over to the Gryffindor table, who were clapping for their new member. Peter, James and Lilly were also sorted into Gryffindor. Then, she called "Thorne, Alcor." My hear stopped, but my feet carried me over to the stool. Victara tightened her grip on my arm in reassurance. The wotch placed the hat on my head, effectively obscuring my vision.

"Well, well, well..." the hat said inside my head. "I haven't seen someone like you in a long time. You certainly are smart, and strive to know more. Very Ravenclaw. You are also Loyal and caring, like a Hufflepuff. However, you have a dark side. You are ambitious and cunning, and have a fierce instinct to defend your friends and people you care about. You have secrets and can speak to the snakes. Why, you have one around your arm, right now.  You are also daring and brave of heart like Gryffindor. Why don't you chose where you go?" "I-well..... I think I'd like to go where my friends went." I replied after a moment or so. "Yes, there's the Hufflepuff in you." He said before hollering "GRYFFINDOR!!" "Thank you." I said mentally before the Witch could pull the hat off my head. "We shall speak again, Miss Thorne."

With that, I made my way to the cheering Gryffindor table, though, no one cheered louder then James, Remus, Sirius, Peter and Lilly. I sat in between James and Remus, while Peter and Sirius sat across from us. Justthen the Headmaster, Dumbledore, I think, Welcomed us to "Yet another year of Hogwarts." I didn't really listen to his speech. I was so hungry. Until, he mentioned "The whomping willow. I advise no one to venture ear it, unless they have a wish of death or great injury." Just then, tons and tons of food magically appeared "Wow"IheardRemus say next to me. "Yeah... I agree." "You my eat!" said Dumbledore. With that, I piled my plate high with scalloped potatoes.They were so delicious! 'But... Not as good as Grandpa's...' I thought sadly as a wave of longing washed over me. But I did not have long to dwell on the thought, as just then Victara spoke up.

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