~Day At Diagon Alley~

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3rd Person(POV)

Alcor Woke up, like always, by falling a few feet to her mattress. She groaned and got up, lazily getting dressed before checking to see if Victara had awoken yet. She had.>Good morning, Victara. Sleep well?< >Well, I don't normally sleep, but it was a nice warm rest. Thank you Alcor.< >Of course! Anytime, Victara. Oh, by the way, Grandpa and I are going out today, so you can stay inside the Cabin, or you can go back to the forest.< Alcor informed her. Victara chose the forest. But, they planned to meet tomorrow at solar noon by the Brook where they first met.

Alcor walked downstairs in her black leggings and light grey, high necked loose sweater, taking Victara to the back door and letting her into the wood. >Goodbye, Victara!< She called after her. >Sssee you ssoon, Alcor!< She hissed before slithering out of sight...

Alcor's (POV)

I walked back into the Cabin seeing if Grandpa was almost ready to go. "Ready, Grandpa?" I inquired. "Yep, just gotta put my cloak on. Do you have your list?" "Oh! No, I'll go get it. Be right back!" I called over my shoulder while flying upstairs to grab the list. I got it and went back downstairs to slip on my signature boots. "Alright, I'm ready." "Good. Now let's be off, shall we, M'lady?" he said in a mock Posh accent, holding out his arm for me to take. "Oh, indeed, Mr. Crowe!"

Time Skip

"Hello, Tom" Grandfather greeted the bartender. "Why, hello Mr. Crowe." He said. I looked up to see Grandfather looking down at me and we smiled at each other knowingly. "And this must be the famous Alcor Thorne I've heard so much about." He finished. "Morning sir..." I said shyly. I did not like interactions with strangers, even if my Grandfather knew them."We're headed off to Diagon Alley today, Tom. School supplies." Grandfather cut in, effectively saving me from an awkward conversion. "Of course. I trust you know the way?" "Indeed I do. Thank you Tom." With that, he led me to the back we were met with a brick wall. "This can't be Diagon Alley?" It was more of a question then a statement. "This is just the entrance." he said with sly smile before going on to press some brick in a pattern I found confusing. Then I watched in awe as the bricks shifted to reveal a very long lane lined with shops and crawling with people. "Woah..." was all I could say. "Woah, indeed."

We stepped inside and my breath was stolen. Thousands of different colours lined the walls of the shops and peoples clothes. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "Alright, Little Birdie. I'll go get the boring stuff like quills, and textbooks while you go get your wand and familiar. Ok? Olivander's is over there to your Right. near the back there. The pet store's over there to your left. Not far off from Olivanders. I'll meet you at Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlor when you're done. It's by the second hand book shop down the lane. Feel free to check it out if you get there before me. I know how much you like your books." "Wow! Thanks Grandpa!" "Here's some money, now, go along. I'll see you soon." "Thank you so much, Grandpa!" I said giving him a hug before hurrying off to Olivanders.

When I got there, I hesitantly pushed open the old wood door and walked inside. Everything was covered in dust and cobwebs. It looked like no one had been here in years, until I walked closer to the counter and an eccentric looking man with white hair came out from behind a wall of wand cases. "Hello there, Miss Thorne. I have been waiting a very long time to meet you." "How do you know my name?" I asked him with a puzzled look on my face. "It's your eyes. The only other person I have seen with eyes like yours was your father, Nembus. I sold him his first wand as well. Very rare he was. Coco bolo wood with dragon heartstring. 10 1/4 inches. But, the question is, what are you!" And with that, he took to the back and brought out four different wands. "Maple, unicorn hair, 10 3/4. Slightly springy." he said handing me the first wand. "Go ahead, give it a wave." I did and the flowers in the vase beside us died. I quickly put down the wand, giving Mr. Olivander a nervous and apologetic look. "No, no, not that one." he said picking up the wand from the counter and putting it back in it's box. He grabbed the next one, saying "Ash wood, Raven feather core. 11 inches exactly." He gave it to me, but it felt weird and awkward in my hand. I gave it a wave anyway. The dead flowers burst into flame and became, Ashes. Eyes wide, I handed the wand back to him. "Not that one either. Try this one. 9 1/2 inches, Willow wood and Badger claw." he stated. This one, too, was cold and foreign to me. Waving it, the ashes flew everywhere, choking us. "Nope*cough cough* No, No. Give it here." I gave it to him. "Next up, Acacia wood, 11 1/4 inches, chimera scale core." This wand felt rough and odd when I held it. I didn't even have to do anything, because the wand burnt my hand. "Ah!" I dropped the wand onto the counter in surprise, grabbing my hand in defence. "Oh, my! Are you alright, Miss Thorne?!" He asked reaching over the counter in reflex. "Yes, yes, I'm ok. But, maybe that wand's not for me!" I said chuckling. He laughed too, then his face went slack, looking at me, but also looking through me. He then hurriedly walked back to the walls of wands and stood there for a good minute searching for a wand. I watched as he picked out one from the very back. It was covered in cobwebs and dust, and looked like it hadn't been touched in decades. He whispered something that I couldn't make out, then walked back to me, with a serious, but curious look on his face. "This is a very peculiar wand, Miss Thorne. It's the only wand I ever made with two types of wood. Also, a core I only used once, as it won't work for many people at all. However, when it does, The magic is very powerful, yet full of grace at the same time." He told me. " This wand is Ebony, and Thuya Burl wood, 12 3/4 inches with Rose petals at it's core." He handed it to me carefully. Looking at it, it was beautiful. It was black for the most part, but had some orange-red roses at the bottom, at the top of where I would put my hand and along what looked like rose vines spiraling to the tip. I took it, and immediately felt a warm wave course through my body. My hair floated all around me as if I was underwater, and I lifted a few inches above the floor before coming back down with a smile gracing my lips. I looked up at Mr. Olivander to see him looking at me in wonder. "I have a good feeling about you and that wand, Miss Thorne." "Yes," I agreed, "me too." I gave him the seven Galleons and walked out, tucking my new wand in my left boot.

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