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After a comfortable drowse, Jack awoke in the familiar darkness of his pouch. It was almost completely pitch black, save for the thin crevice of light that flashed briefly overhead, and was just as warm and comfy as ever. The Irishman sighed and stretched his legs under the vast covers, feeling his injuries groan less boisterously in protest. I'm definitely getting better. He paused to try and listen to the outside world, but nothing was to be heard over the thumping heartbeat or working lungs right in his ear.

Jack sighed and closed his eyes, still trying to wrap his mind around his situation: it was still hard to believe that the very pouch he was resting in could probably easily fit a few elephants, let alone that the rocking motion created by Mark walking was effortless to the giant.

Oh yeah, giants. Did he mention the freaking hundred feet tall humanoids that could use one finger to crush him without even breaking a sweat?

Jack shuddered to himself and coughed quietly. It was frightening, being stuck in this new world. He'd been optimistic about finding aliens... but this... this was on a whole new level. And that cat... He shivered and tugged on the soft pelts that he was practically swimming in. I've already had one brush with death with that birdie panther bitch, I don't need any more close calls. But Mark had told him, "Don't be afraid." What did that mean? Jack doubted that leopard had been a vegetarian, and it'd looked like it was about to have a snack out of him! Not to mention Mark had seemed nervous about the big cat too. And if a giant that Jack was only just starting to get used to was nervous about a big bad predator...

"I need air," Jack muttered, stifling a cough. He rolled over with a huff and was about to push on the leathery wall to get Mark's attention, but then he stopped. He hesitated for a minute, and then he reached for his chest and scratched at the bandages, feeling around until his hand touched cool metal. My necklace! It's still there! He sighed with relief. Oh thank god, if I'd lost this then Signe would've given me an earful! He held on to the slim pendant and tilted its glinting shape in the darkness. It was still just as precious and important as ever; now that he had enough strength to treasure it once more, it comforted him to hold the little icon in his hand. What was it Signe said it symbolized? As he tried to rack his brain for an answer, the continual swinging suddenly stopped with a jolting halt. Jack started and tucked the necklace away again, and he strained his hearing to try and figure out what was happening.

"Finally!" Mark was sighing in relief as the rest of his people gathered around with their belongings. "We can leave this accursed cold and set up shelter for the rest of the Frösting."

"Ha! I thought you didn't get cold," Ethan teased beside him. Mark huffed and playfully shoved the scrawnier male.

"Because I'm bigger than you."

"Or fatter!" He then let out a mock gasp and wrangled Ethan in, locking him under his arm and knuckling his head as he squawked and thrashed. "Hey, hey! Okay, okay, I yield- täjwéh, täjwéh!!!" They both separated and laughed.

"Hey! If you're done acting like líten chúlbas, then you should get a foot on and help build the huts!" Tyler was calling them out from across the clearing with an amused smile over his demeanor. Mark grinned back at him and messed with Ethan's hair one last time before hurrying off to find Amy. As he trekked through the crowded lot, he suddenly remembered Jack and risked a peek down at him. The small human was sprawled on his back, the covers messed up as well as his hair as he stared up at the giant with wide, concerned eyes.

"Serönoba, sorry," Mark whispered. "Nothing looks broken though. I'l try to be more careful." He dropped the flap and finally found Amy toward the center of the spacious area. She was in the process of setting up the skeletal foundation of the hut, though she was having trouble reaching the top of the last cylindrical plank.

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