Poker Face

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"How did you and Tig meet?"

Happy watched as she licked the ice cream cone and thought about her answer as he finished his cone off and balled up the napkin. They had stopped at a small park and were currently sitting under a shelter at a picnic table.

"He picked out a melon for me at the supermarket one day. I couldn't decide on which one that I wanted and he picked one out." She grinned before chuckling at the memory. "In hindsight, I'm pretty sure that he was trying to pick me up, but I was oblivious and he stopped trying after a few weeks."

Happy shook his head and grinned. "He wasn't trying hard enough." When she lifted a brow at him, he shrugged. "If it was me, and I had this beautiful woman's attention, I'd keep at it until I had the answer I wanted."

Lorelei snorted. "Obviously."

Happy winked and smirked as he stood up and held out a hand. "You ready to head back?"

Lorelei nodded and tossed her trash before taking his hand and letting him lead her across the grass to where he has parked his bike under a shade tree. "You can drop me at the library and I'll get my car."

Happy turned to her with her helmet in his hand and shook his head. "Nah, there's a party tonight at the clubhouse. You can come with me." He shook his head when she opened her mouth to speak. "Look, you already know Tig. It's time you met everyone else."

She took the helmet out of his hands and plopped it on her head. As she fastened the strap, she gave him a look. "You're trying really hard to make this into a date."

He leaned in and kissed her quickly before grabbing his own helmet. "I hate to break this to you, little girl, but it's been a date since we left the library. I brought you to my favorite park, I bought you ice cream, and I've kissed you. We are dating."

She stared at him with her mouth hanging open as he swung a leg over and sat down on the bike. He chuckled as he looked over his shoulder at her. "Hop on and let your date take you to a party, Lori."

She muttered something under her breath as she got on the bike and he started the engine. She leaned over to talk in his ear as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "You are such an ass."

Happy chuckled and nodded as he reached back and squeezed her thigh. "Yeah, but you like my ass just fine, so I guess it doesn't matter."

She shook her head as he revved the bike and took off out of the park. As they rode back to Charming, she held on tight and let her head lay against his back as she tried to figure out just what she was supposed to do with Happy Lowman.


"Hey, everyone, this is my date, Lorelei."

After a couple of seconds of stunned silence, everyone came forward at once to introduce themselves and welcome her. First, there was a blond man named Jax who kissed her on the cheek and called her darlin' then there was Chibs, who did an outstanding job of acting as if he'd never met her before. Then there was a man named Clay, one with laughing eyes named Bobby, a young man named Juice, Tig, then finally a beautiful woman named Gemma. She looked Lorelei up and down, finally nodding to herself about something. 

"You're the librarian, aren't you?" When Lorelei nodded, Gemma smirked and shook her head. "How in the world did you ever manage to get Happy's attention?"

Tig snorted from Lorelei's side as Happy glared at him. "She got him with this." He turned to Lorelei. "What's your favorite form of torture?"

Lorelei answered without even giving it any thought and Tig almost laughed out loud at the look of pride mixed with lust that was currently on Happy's face. "The Rack, but I'm also interested in the Spanish Donkey."

Gemma chuckled and nodded as she pulled Lorelei in for a hug. "And now the mystery is solved. Welcome to the family, sweetheart."

Jax held up a beer and pointed to Lorelei and Happy. "Hey, come on and play some poker with Chibs and me."

Before anyone could move, Tig put an arm in front of Lorelei. "NO! Keep her away from the cards!" When everyone stared at him, he shook his head and pointed at the woman now glaring at him. "She's a card counter. She'll take you for every dime you have." When Jax and Happy looked at him disbelievingly, he nodded emphatically. "No, I'm totally fucking serious! She's banned from half the casinos in Vegas."

Lorelei punched him in the arm. "I am not! I'm only banned from three casinos and it wasn't my fault!" 

Bobby raised a beer in a toast to Lorelei. "Me and you are gonna hit Tahoe soon, sweetheart. We'll clean up."

Lorelei chuckled as Tig shook his head. "You better have extra cash for bail money, just saying."

Gemma wrapped an arm around Lorelei's shoulders and chuckled. "Come on, baby. We'll go have a few drinks while the boys play."


"I should really be getting home, Happy."

Happy chuckled as he led an extremely drunk Lorelei to his dorm. He helped her lay down before taking off her shoes and pulling a blanket over her. He leaned down and gave her a deep kiss before looking into her eyes.

"I know, baby, but you're too drunk to ride right now. Take a nap and I'll come check on you in a little while, okay?"

She nodded and closed her eyes while he stood there and watched her for a few minutes before heading back out to the card game. She and Gemma had seemed to hit it off and were laughing at the bar for a while before Lori decided to come sit in his lap while he played cards. That was fine with him until she started running her hands all over him. Happy had no problem with sleeping with her but she was going to have to be sober first.

It had taken considerable self-control on his part to get her back to the dorms, especially with his brothers teasing him and egging her on. He grinned as he thought of how well everyone took to her. If he had his way, they'd be seeing a lot more of her.

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