Chapter 1

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Adrien POV

Life has been really hard. Especially since there is a criminal in Paris. But not just any's Ladybug. I don't know what happened to make her this way...

But she must have been through something. She's the most feared criminal in Paris. And it's said that she has even captured a girl.
But it's never been proven. Just because she went missing doesn't mean Ladybug did it.
Ladybug has been a criminal for about 2 years.

And Marinette has been missing. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Mari is the one who has been missing? No? Guess not. I've been trying to get Ladybug to quit her villainous ways, but she keeps doing it and doing it.

I need to find out if she really did kidnap Mari. But the real question is why would she?I know- well, knew Ladybug, and she wouldn't just change from superhero to criminal without a major reason.

And she wouldn't kidnap Marinette without a reason either. Did she hate her?
Did she know her?'s so confusing. I sit on my couch and turn on the TV.

"There has been a major robbery down town by none other then the wanted criminal, Ladybug! Back at it again..We are waiting for Chat Noir to show up on the scene."

Oh great. Speak of the devil. Not that she's a devil!

"Plagg, claws out!" I shout and transform into Chat Noir.

I jump out of my window and I see Ladybug run past me. I chase after her, determined to catch up. Luckily I'm faster then her. I run in front of her and stop her.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. TomCat. Here to try and stop me once again? Or maybe try to convince me to stop doing this? You gonna say, 'Oh Ladybug please! I miss the real you!' Ha! Pathetic. The real me is right here! The one before is long gone!" She laughs.

Wow. She knows me well. Have I done this so many times that she's now expecting it?

"Ladybug.....please..." I plead but she glares at me and rolls her eyes.

"If you're gonna try to catch me, you better start running." She says before pushing me and sprinting off. I race after her, telling myself I wouldn't let her go.

She slows down and I take the chance to sprint towards her. She suddenly jumped up and pushed my head sending me flying forward. She then runs off in the opposite direction and she winks at me.

"Until next time, Chaton." And of course she got away. Again. She may have been slower on her feet, but she was a lot quicker with her brain.

I make my way home and collapse on my bed, detransforming. Then I fall asleep, thinking of my failed attempt at changing Ladybug back to her old self.

At Midnight

Ladybug POV

I sit on a roof, looking at the streets of Paris. I pick up a diamond that I took with me and I examine it. It was very beautiful, the way it blinged. I didn't necessarily find joy in robbing people, but I loved the thrill of it all. It helped to get mind off of my pathetic life and I did take some of the money, even though I never really needed all of it.

I look down from the roof and I see a homeless woman wrapped in a thin blanket with a cracked mug that contained only a few pennies in it. I look closer and the woman has children.

Sighing, I take out a small bag of money and I put the diamond in it. I jump down to where the homeless family was.

"Oh dear! It's the criminal Ladybug! Kids,  stay behind me!"

I wasn't very surprised. That's normally how people reacted to seeing me. I smile at her to show her I mean no harm and I'm only here to help.

I drop the bag of money in her mug and I give them a thicker blanket and some food.
They looked shocked by my actions. Even though I needed it, they needed it more than I did.

"T-thank you..." The woman stuttered. "But why are you doing this? You're a criminal."

I smile at her. "I may be a criminal but I still have a heart..besides, I know what it's like to have lost everything..and I wanted to help you.." I hold her cold hands. "Stay safe.." Then I jump off.

"Freeze! Puts your hands in the air!"

Great. This is what I get for giving to the poor. I look up at the helicopter above and I jump off.

I desperately look for a place to hide so they can't get to me. I can't afford to get caught and go to prison. Crap. Crap.

Where do I go!? I see an open window to a house. Without thinking, I jump in through the window and hide. The helicopter passes and I left out a sigh of relief. That was a close one.

I look at my surroundings, which was strangely familiar. Then I realize that this is the Agreste Mansion. And no, I'm not gonna rob this place! I only steal when I need to and I could never steal from a friend, even if Adrien and I aren't friends anymore.

I look around and think out loud. "Well, I have to stay here until the heat dies down..." I say as I sit down.

"Who said that!? Who's there!?"

I jump. Did he hear me? Wow. Before I can move an inch, he walks in. Both of us freeze up. We make eye contact and he looks shocked.


I run up to him and clamp his mouth shut with my hand.

"Shhhhh! Keep it down or you will wake the whole house!" I warned and he nodded. I remove my hand slowly.

"Why are you here?...." He asks. Jeez,  Adrien. There is a criminal in your house and you ask them 'Why are you here?' Really?? Whatever.

"I was uh...chased by the cops... please don't rat me out.." I say, my hands in a begging motion. What came out of his mouth shocked me.

"I won't." He promised and I gaped at him.

Wait, really?

"Wait, really? You aren't gonna rat me out?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I'm surprised. Thank you."

I smile at him. He looks surprised. What did I do?

Adrien POV

She smiled...she smiled her old smile...
That's it! I'm convinced! I'm convinced that deep down, the old her is somewhere in that stone cold heart of hers. She's still my lady!

That's when I get an idea. Maybe if we become closer, she will finally open up to me and I can find out what made her this way in the first place. This entire time I'd been asking her as Chat Noir, but if I just asked as myself, would I get different results? There was only one way to find out.

I watch as Ladybug pulls a loose strand of her hair behind her head and I notice a huge scrape on her arm.

"Hey, what's that on your arm?" I ask picking up her arm to examine the wound.

I look at her, and she's blushing a bit? Huh? I can't believe I made Ladybug, the heartless and notorious killer, blush. Maybe my plan has a chance of working after all.

"Oh... I must have hit my arm on the way here.." She admits and I sigh.

Criminal or not, she was still my partner, my friend, my love... and I will help her, no matter the cost.

In Love with a Criminal *Ladrien Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now