Chapter 8

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Adrien POV
I open my eyes. " head..."I look down and my leg is all wrapped up. What exactly happe- Oh....
Wait... MARI!
I hear the door open. "Ah, Mr. Agreste. I see you have awakened. How are you feeling?" The nurse asks.
"I-I'm fine but where is Marinette?"
The nurse looks at me a bit confused.
"Dupein Cheng?" My face lights up. "Y-yeah! Her!! Is she ok!?"
I sit up.
"She's stable...but I'm afraid she's in a critical state and she needs further treatment...I'm sorry sir."
All I needed to know is that she was alive.
"Can I go see her?"
The nurse shakes her head.
"I'm sorry can see her when she is more stable... any exposure to things that could possibly harm her could kill her... I'm sorry sir.. on the bright side you are free to go..." I look down. I can't see her...
"Thank you.." I get up and my foot feels weak. I stumble back for a second then regain my balance.
I walk out saying thank you for the help.

The Next Day
I walk to school with a brace on my foot. I see Alya and Nino. Alya is crying, Hard.
All the rest of the school is crying as well. I guess they don't know she is stable.. I walk up to Alya.
"She's Alive Alya...She's in stable condition.." Alya looks up at me and hugs me.
"Oh you poor thing....I know you are scared for her as well.... Adrien...I know it's hard.." I hug her back.

After a few weeks (I'm lazy srry)
Marinette POV
"Nghhhhh.....Ohhhhh...everything huuuuurtsssss" I open my eyes. Wait...where am I?.. I sit up and look around. "ow!" I look down and I see my side is all wrapped up and there's a bunch of IVs in me.
"Uhhhh Tikkiiiiiiii?!" I start to panic. "Mari? MARI!!!!" Tikki flies up to me and hugs my cheek. I hug her back.
" You're ok!!" Wait happened......Wait...WAIT...OH...CRAP. Everyone knows..... I look at Tikki.
"Where's Adrien?" I ask.
"He's probably at school.. he's been checking in with the hospital every three hours..."
Oh kitty....Wait...Adrien is Chat Noir...
WELP. I just realized I was doing all that crap with Chaton. doesn't matter.
I love him no matter what! Suddenly the door opens.
Uhmmmmm what do I do? Do I act dead? Do I act normal? What do I say?? I've been a coma for a while I'm guessing....oh godddd.
"Let's see how she's doing tod-" The doctor drops his clip board. "Uh...hi?" Hi? Wow did I lose brain cells after I got shot.
"Oh my god! You're awake! Let's see your side." I take off my blanket and sit up. He walks up to me and takes off my bandages. "It's....Its a miracle!! You are healed?!" I look at Tikki who is hiding in a tooth brush cup.
"Eheheh...Kwami magic...sorry I was worried..." I sigh and smile at her. "How is this possible??"
I shrug. Yo I just woke up and you're asking me how this is possible? How the hell would I know!?
"Magic?" I say. "Ok miss we will have to test you to make sure something bad didn't happen... this is very strange..
We have 34 tests to test on you then you are free to go" the doctor signals for more doctors to come in.
"We will first start with this shot."
My eyes widen.
"Oh well look at that! I can magically get up wow! Tikki spots on!! Haha?.... BYE!"
I jump out the open hospital window and swing off.
Marinette!! You just left the hospital without permission!!
I hear Tikki say from inside my miraculous.
"Sorry Tikki...I'm not doing any tests if I know I'm fine." I swing off and land on a roof next to the school.
"Besides I hate needles..."
I sit on the roof and open my yo-yo and put on the news channel.
"Missing Girl Marinette Dupein Cheng has been found and is none other than the criminal Ladybug.
She was shot by a criminal while defending the city and her friends.
Ladybug is truly our hero..we hope the best for her...she is hospitalized right now and in critical condition.
Her boyfriend, Adrien Agreste otherwise known as Chat Noir is very worried and misses her just like her friends.
Her parents are happy she was found but not so happy that she was shot.
The reasoning behind her criminal ways was that she was blamed for vandalism, bullying, threats and abandonment.
She has indeed been through a lot.
Marinette is in a coma in the hospital and her wound is on her side.
The criminals were all either taken to jail or they died from the shooting between them and Ladybug.
We are reporting from Francois Highschool, Her old school.
We are asking her best friend Alya Cesaire some questions.
"We're you aware your best friend was a criminal?"
"No! I thought Mari was missing for so poor girl....oh Marinette...if only you knew how bad everyone feels..."
"There you have it...back to you Nadia!"
I close my yo-yo and put my hand to my mouth.
How can I face them....they all hurt me....I'm scared...
I hold my side.
"I'm a mess....maybe I should stay will have to face them anyways..."
I hear the bell from school ring. I see all my friends walk out.
Then I see.....Adrien...
Alya and Nino walk up to Adrien and pat him on the back.
"Adrien.....I know.....we all miss her...cmon...let's go to the will hopefully make us all feel better.."
I look at Adrien. He has dark circles around his eyes as if he's been crying. He's slouching as well.

Oh Adrien... I'm so sorry.
I jump over to a building and latch onto a tree.

"I couldn't be there for her before any of this happened...."
Adrien said starting to cry again. "Dude... me and Alya feel the same.. none of us were there to help her before she became a criminal. It's our fault too..."

No, No, it's not their fault. It's MINE, why are they blaming themselves! It's not their fault!
I look over in the distance and see Juleka, Rose, Alix, and Max walk over, all with bags under their eyes.

"It's our fault aswell!" Rose exclaimed.

"We should have never believed that stupid lie.. we should have never went against Marinette like that.."

I watch as they all hug eachother and sob into each other's arms.

I clutch my chest as tears welled up in my eyes.
I stare at my friends from a short distance wishing to be with them, but I'm too scared.

All of a sudden I hear a cracking noise. I look under me and I see the branch I'm on is starting to crack. At the last second I jump up and latch on to a higher branch as I watch the other branch fall to the ground, making a loud cracking sound.

"Phew...." I whisper under my breath. All of a sudden the branch I was latched onto breaks, I didn't have enough time to jump so I landed on the ground below with a thud.


Adrien POV

We stay in a warm embrace until we hear a crackling noise. We all look at a tree that was near us, since that was where the sound was coming from. A branch falls out of the tree and startles us.

"That was strange...branches don't break out out of trees like that.." Alix said scratching her head. "Do they? Max?"

"They most definitely do not unless there is something in the tree." Max says while fixing the glasses on his face.

All of a sudden we hear another crackling noise and another branch falls along with a streak ladybug?.... no way... she's in a coma!

I get up and run over to the tree and i see her...


Ohhhh that hurt..
I sit up a bit and rub my head.
I hear footsteps and I look to the side and see a familiar brand of shoes, I look up and I see.... Adrien....

In Love with a Criminal *Ladrien Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now