Chapter 5

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Adrien POV
"Hey Adrien...can I um stay at your house for a bit?... the abandoned building has been getting really lonely..." I smile at her.
"Of course My Lady.." she giggles.
"Chat used to call me that.."
I kiss her cheek.
"Well now I do! And I might call you bugaboo too. I admire his nicknames for you!" She giggles. "Nooooo..." I
Grab her by her waist and pull her backwards on from on the bed so she is laying next to me.
"Sorry bugaboo! That's the way it is from now on!" She giggles.
I feel her snuggle on my chest.
I smile.
"Good night My lady." I fall asleep.

The next day
I wake up and look at my clock. 6:15. Oh perfect! I pick up Ladybug so I can get ready for school and I place her on the bed again so she can keep sleeping.
I get ready for school. I walk over to the bed and kiss Ladybug gently on her head. "See you after school bugaboo." I leave and get to school. "Hey dude how did it go?" Nino asks me. "It went great! She's gonna take a break off of crime! And well.. She told me about her past..." I say. Alya and Nino gasp. "What happened!?" They both ask at the same time.
"She was framed for a horrible crime at her school and was expelled. Her parents found out and slapped her and called her a disgrace and other rude words. She ended up cutting herself and to take her mind off it she started a life of crime." Alya and Nino gasp again.
"Oh the poor girl.." Alya says.
"I know... She started to cry after she told me. But I made her happy again."
I say, thinking about the kiss.
"What did you do?"
Nino asked.
"I um...kissed her. And well she's now my girlfriend..." Alya and Nino give eachother a surprised look. "Aw that's adorable! But how is that gonna work?
She's a criminal now! If she's ever caught....oh Adrien..." I look away.
"I know...
But if she changes and goes back to her old self they might give her a second chance, and if she returns the money. She still has all of it. She never spent it. And she could rat
Out all the criminals.
Plus there was a reason for all of this so hopefully she should be off the hook."
I say. Alya and Nino smile at me.

Normal POV
"So Ladybug still has all the money huh? And she can rat us out? Hah! Wait till everyone hears this..."
Meanwhile, Ladybug was just waking up.
"Mmmmn..." she gets up and sees a note on Adrien's desk.
Hey there bugaboo! I'm at school!
I didn't want to disturb you while you were sleeping because you looked so cute! Anyways, make yourself at home. My father is away for the day.
Love you!! XOXO
She smiles at the note and giggles.
She then grabs a bottled water and sits on his couch and turns on the TV station.
"It seems that a man has rat out Ladybugs hideout and the police are on their way. Is this the end for Ladybug?"
Ladybug spits out her water.
"They found my hideout!? At least I'm not there...wait... the money!! I need to get back there!" She runs out of the house towards her hideout. She goes through the secret entrance and looks for the money. "There!" She runs and grabs it. She then looks at it and feels regret. "I....i... don't need it..." She puts it down and puts a note on it and leaves. She runs back to the house and paces around the house. "I don't need it....I only did it for the heist..not the money.." She sits on the couch and turns the TV back on. "The police have found all of the money that has been stolen along with a note from none other than ladybug. The note says Hello if you are reading this then you have found the money that I've stolen. I'm sorry for stealing it in the first place, my life has just been hard. But I don't need the money. You can take it back.
I'm sorry for everything I'm trying to change. Sincerely Ladybug.
Wow it seems that Ladybug might be referring back to her old self."
Ladybug POV

I smile at the news. Yup. I am going to change back. For him.
Huh, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest.
But who am I kidding... no one will ever accept me after everything I've done..well... then again.. Adrien did.
Wait. Wait!..WAIT!!! The other Criminals! If they find out I'm screwed!! Well they might kill me.
But same difference.
I'm sorry Adrien. But they are not nice people. They deserve what I might do to them.
I clench my fist and lean my head on the wall.
I sigh and look over at the window.
I jump out and look around. I go towards the secret hideout for criminals. I hear voices and listen in at the door.
"She could betray us!! We need to get rid of her! I say we kill Ladybug! She has betrayed us and got half of us in jail!
Who is with me! Let's kill her!" "Yeah! I say shoot her in the head!" "No! Stab her in her waist!" "You all are boring!
I say choke her with her own yo-yo!" I close my mouth and shake. Tears welling up in my eyes. "It doesn't matter! As long as she is dead! That little back stabber.... I can't wait till she is dead." I step back and I jump back to the mansion.

Adrien POV
"Hello class! I have great news! It seems that Ladybug might be retiring as a criminal and coming back to us as a superhero!"
I smile and look at Nino and Alya. "Good job Adrien." I hear Alya whisper. "If only Mari could be here to see this...."
I look at Alya giving her a reassuring smile. "Hey... wherever she is I'm sure she's proud." And I'm proud of My lady.
She is finally coming back to us.
I'm so happy.
We continue on with class but I have a huge smile on my face.
After school I grab Alya and Nino by their hands. "Hey dude what are you doing?" I smile at them.
"Cmon!" I drag them to my house.
"Why are we here Adrien?" Alya asks me while crossing her arms.
"I want you guys to meet Ladybug."
Suddenly their faces light up.
"Really?!" They both yell in sync. I nod. I lead them to the door to my room. "Ok guys I'm just gonna let her know your here." I say as they nod. I walk in and I see ladybug sitting in a corner hugging her knees shaking... "Ladybug are you alright? What happened?" I walk towards her and sit next to her. "The other criminals want to kill me."She says blankly.
"What?! Why!?" I ask shocked. "Because they know I'm trying to change. They think I'm going to sell them out and kill them. And I can't convince them otherwise or they will have my blood on their hands." She sighs. "Oh LB I'm sorry...
If it makes you feel better, I brought company." She looks at me confused. She stands up and crosses her arms.
"Who?" She asks. "My friends! Only two though." She raises and eyebrow. "Ok guys come in!" I yell. I look at her and I watch her start to panic.
"Chill out! You know them!" I say while chuckling.
She groans at me. Alya and Nino enter the room and I look at LB and her eyes start to tear up.
Huh, guess she remembers her #1 fan and her boyfriend. Suddenly Alya runs up to LB and tackles her in a hug.
"We are so happy you are back!! You have no idea how worried everyone has been!" She says. Ladybug starts crying a bit.
"I-I'm sorry....Everything just happened so fast...I...I was scared to go back.."
She hugs Alya. Nino joins the hug. Well, I might as well join. We all start hugging.
"Also we heard everything from behind the door." Alya suddenly says. I feel LB flinch.
"And you are probably scared.. but hey we are here for you! But what I don't understand is that why don't you detransform? The don't know you that way do they?" Ladybugs shakes her head. "No. I just can't...if anyone ever saw would be chaos...after all I'd rather not go back to a life where everyone hates me and wishes I was dead..
Besides if they found out who I am...they would just kill me easier...that's why I'm always transformed..." Alya and Nino look at her shocked. "I'm sure that everyone loves you and misses you! Like we miss our friend! Her name is Marinette..
Everyone is worried about her..most people think that you took her, or that she is dead. But others believe she ran away. It's not classified..I don't even know what drove her to do anything.." suddenly Ladybug stiffened after Alya said that.
"They...miss her?" She asks. "Everyone does. But anyways, Adrien has told us a lot about you Ladybug~."

In Love with a Criminal *Ladrien Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now