Before the Dance

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Cat P.O.V

" Brooklyn,Brooklyn," I said shaking her a little. A little snuffle came from Brooklyn. Jay and I had snuck into Brook's house from climbing up the schappling and using Jay's bobby pin to pick the lock. Finally brook woke up because Jay decided to turn on Brook's alarm.

It was Friday morning, the day before homecoming. School was canceled so everyone could get ready. Three weeks ago Brook,Jay, and I decided we would go to Sassy Salon and get our hair and nails done. Then we'd get everything else ready at my house.

I couldn't wait. And our appoint was at 10:00 am, it was now 8:30 am. And everyone knows Brook takes forever to pick out her outfit. She may not be that fashionable, but she likes to assesorize.

Brook P.O.V

" Brooklyn Raven, will you go to homecoming with me," asked Ty, Brooklyn's crush." Why of course Ty," replied Brooklyn . Something jolted her forward to make her fall into Ty's arms. BEEP,BEEP,BEEP!

I was in my bedroom. Why did everything that had Ty in it was in my dreams. I rolled over and saw my two best friends Jay and Cat. " Thanks for the rude awakening, I was having a wonderful dream about....," I said. " About Ty " asked Jay, " everyone knows you like him." She was right, I did like Ty, but he'd never fall for me.

Like always Cat was standing there dazing off, probably thinking about homecoming. Oh my gosh! Homecoming was tonight, I had to get dressed, we had an appointment in one-half hour. I quickly jumped out of bed and ran into my closet. I grabbed my favorite ripped jeans, tie-die t-shirt I made in seventh grade, and my dolphin sweater. " Let's go," I said as I stuffed half a pop tart in my mouth while I pushed my clover earrings trough my ears.

We packed into my Mom's blue minivan and I told my Mom to step on it. "It's 9:30, we need to be there by at least 9:50," said Cat nervously.

Jay's P.O.V

Finally we all arrived at Sassy Salon. Sure I wasn't always that girly but, when it comes to hair and nails, I love being a girl, dresses I will bit you if you make me wear one. "10:00 appointment for Brooklyn James, Jaylyn Grace, and Catherine Quinten," said Mrs.James. A hairdresser named Kaitlin brought us three back to the hair section and said, " I'll do you Jaylyn, Brooklyn, Jinny will do you're hair, and Catherine, Fiona will do you're hair.

Two hours later my black hair was layered with a purple strip running through my bangs. Brook's dirty blonde hair was extra curly and was in a up do. And Cat's bright blonde hair was cut short into a bob around her shoulder blades. We all looked beautiful, and it loved it.

Then the same people took us over to the nail section and an hour later my nails looked like zebra prints, Cat's where purple with a red rose at the left corner of the cuticle, and Brook's were like little jean pockets. They were all adorable.

Afterward Mrs.James took us back to their house and let us get our dresses on ( Cat and I brought our dresses when we woke up Brook).

Brook's P.O.V

After we got dressed I was in a sleeveless red dress with a sparkly red sash. Jay had on a sparkly blue mini skirt and a purple sleeveless t- shirt with a jean jacket. And Cat was wearing a green mini dress with sparkly spaghetti sleeves. We were all so pretty I put in diamond earrings, Jay put in blue studs, and Cat put in gold hoops.

Jay and Cat were ready for the dance. I just hoped I was ready.

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