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Over the next week, Christian was at the hospital day and night. He would come before Liz wakes up in the morning, and leave when Liz was asleep. He was there to hold her hand for every physical therapy. They would stay up all night and talk. They did that every night as well.

Today however, Christian wasn't going to go to the hospital until one p.m. He had to go to a charity event in the morning. He made sure to tell Liz the night before that he wasn't coming til later in the afternoon.

Christian woke up bright and early in the morning. He sat up and unplugged his phone from his charger. He decided to text Liz. 'Good morning,'. He waited for a response for a bit, after she didn't respond he assumed she was still asleep so he went to take a quick shower. After he got out he went to change into the black suit that he had picked for the event. He  styled his hair and brushed his teeth. It was 9:00 am when he was finally ready. He had to be at the party at 9:30 so he had to hurry. He checked if Liz had responded yet, but to his disappointment she hadn't. Maybe she's just sleeping in, he thought to him self. He shrugged it off and headed to the party.

The party was finally over. Christian and his team had raised over $100,000 for the family's that lost their homes in the California fires. He checked his watch and it was 1:10 pm. Crap I'm late, Christian thought. He had to go fast. When Christian got to the hospital it was 1:30. There was still thirty minutes left of therapy. So he rushed to the room.
"Hey sorry I'm late-," He rushers into the room, to his surprise no one was there. He went out to the hall and he saw the physical therapist.
"Hey where's Liz?" He question.
"Well didn't you hear she's going home," he said shocked that Christian didn't know.
"Since when," Christian was confused.
"Well since last night."
"Ok thank you." Christian hurried into the elevator so he could go to Liz's room. He got off and found his way to her room. He opened the door to find all of her stuff at the door. Liz was on her bed on the phone. She turned to Christian and hung up the phone.
"Hey Christian," She said with a smile
"Hey why didn't you tell me you were getting out today?" He was sad she didn't tell him.
"Well I just feel like I've toilet so much from you already and I don't want to take anything more," she could start feeling the tears in her eyes.
"Hey now, you haven't taken a single thing from me."
"Yes I have, I've taken your money, and time from you. God I've taken so much time from you. You could've had so much time to do thing you wanted to do. And I took that away from you," the tears started to come out now. Christian quickly wiped them away with his finger.
"Hey, don't you think that. Don't you think that I didn't enjoy every second that we shared together, I wouldn't have traded it for anything ok. I was right where I wanted to be," she smiled at him.

They finished packing everything and started to fill out the discharge paperwork. Once that was done, one of the nurses came into the room with a wheelchair.
"It's fine I can walk,"
"Sorry but hospital Protocol, hop on" they all laughed. Christian help Liz onto the wheel chair. They finally made their way to the front entrance of the hospital. Christian went to pull his truck up to the front. They said their good byes to all the nurses and doctors and then went in the truck to drive away.

"Ummm so where too?" Christian asked, he really hadn't thought this far yet.
"I have a apartment you know." She laughed, "let me give you the address," she gave him her address. When he typed it in to his gps he notice that it wasn't the best neighborhood.

"You know what you can actually stay with me for a little bit," he said and she shook her head.
"No, no, you've already did so much I'm fine with my apartment. And we can still see each other often." He smiled at the fact that she still wanted to see him.

When they finally got to the apartment Christian offered to take her inside. She argued but knowing she wasn't going to win she decided to just let him. She lend him into the building. He looked around, the lights for the halls were flickering, there was trash everywhere, the carpet was pilling In some spots, and there was graffiti everywhere. Christian felt an unsteady feeling.

They finally made it to her apartment. She went to a plant right next to the door and fished out a key. She unlocked the door and pushed it open.

When the door opened they looked inside. It looked like somebody's threw a party. There was trash all over the place. All of her furniture was knocked down or destroyed. All of the picture frames were smashed. And to top it all of 'you got what you deserved you bitch, but you've got a lot more coming for you bitch' was written on the wall with red spray paint.

Tears started streaming down her face. She felt her legs go week and she dropped to the floor. Christian quickly picked her up in his arms and told her back to his truck. He placed her in the passenger seat, then he got o the drivers seat and started to drive to his house.
"It's okay you can stay with me," liz didn't respond she was still shocked at what just happened, and was still softly crying. He put his hand over hers.
"It's okay I'm going to protect you"

Okay so school started again so updates are gonna take a little longer. Also I've kinda been in a writers block like I know where I want this story to go but I'm having a hard time getting there. If that makes since.
Also pleeeeeeeaase comment or give me any feed back rlly need it cuz I don't know if I should keep writing this if no one likes it


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