chapter 3

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School day went well and was finally over.

Now they went home and thought about that they are going to leave the world to their own world. Will it go well or not?

"This is probably the last time I eat your apple pie for a long time," Joy said and smiled.

"I'm so proud that you're going to Aria my daughter." Joy's mother said and hugged her.

Her mother opened the oven and took out the hot juicy pie. The whole kitchen was hot.

Joy ate up the whole pie. It will take a long time before she eats one again.

Joy went up to the room and started packing.

"Hmm what do I need to bring with me"

A monkey sat outside her window with a bag in one hand and knocked on the window with the other hand.

Joy opens and lets the monkey jump up on her shoulder.

"What are you doing, little monkey?"

The monkey gave her the bag and Joy looked down in the bag and saw a card from her aunt who also has the animal phenomenon.

Joy hopes everything is fine with you and that you are happy that you are going to Aria Academy. I myself have been a student there. I have made a little survival kit bag for you hope everything goes well.
Greetings from aunt

Joy happily packed down the bag in the suitcase and clothes, ramen cups, her animal books, cd, photo book and much more.

Yeri came home and went straight into her room and layed down in her bed and was ready to sleep.

"Fuck! ... I have to pack. "Yeri said

She got up from bed and sat there and she took out her finger and began to swing around it.

Her suitcase came out of the closet and onto the floor open. She then takes out clothes, books and games and then closes the bag with her telekinesis.

"Can you be more lazy," she said, with  a funny voice.

Wendy went into the house and saw her mom and dad crying. They don't want her to leave.

"I am home! Said Wendy

"Wendy you are here. I've packed your bag. "Her mother said with tears in her eyes.

"But Mom. I am sure I will contact you in any way it cannot be so strict. "

Now it was time to go. A mini bus picked up Wendy and drove on to the next.

Wendy looked in a photo album that her mother had packed. There were pictures of the family that she probably won't see for a while.

The bus stopped and Yeri came in with a happy smile "Hi Wendy. What are you watching? "Yeri sat next to Wendy and looked down curiously in her album.

"Who is that?" Yeri asked, it was a girl  Who looked like Wendy.

"It's my sister she has ice power she goes to Aria so I will meet my sister again. I barely remember her. "

It was quiet in the bus and suddenly someone knocked on the bus door and peered in.

It was Seulgi and Irene they opened the door and went inside. "Hello friends," they both said and sat down in the back of the bus.

Seulgi packed up pringles from her bag and began to eat.

Everyone stared at her. Seulgi was quite busy eating.

The next passenger jumped in it was Joy.

"Joy!" They all said happily. Even Seulgi with chips in her mouth.

"All of u are already here," she said

"Now we are all here and now we will be without our families so we need to take care of each other." Said Irene

"What, have we not done that from the  beginning," Wendy said, looking back at Irene.

"What have you packed for something special," asked Joy
"I've packed the chips," Seulgi said with chips in her mouth so you hardly heard her.

"Seulgi what have I said about talking with food in your mouth," Irene said

"Ebubjbujb" said the others and mocked Seulgi for how she sounds with food in her mouth.

"I've got some kind of bag from aunt," said Joy

Everyone looked at Joy's bag curiously. "What's in it," Yeri said

"She had packed things that I needed on Aria. As ... "Joy said while taking up things from the bag

"Chewing gum ... ehh okay wonder what taste." Joy read that it was a chewing gum that keeps the taste a whole day.

"Wow what cool," said Seulgi

"Then here was a hair spray that makes your hair longer, toothbrush that talks, sun cream that is not sticky ... then what is this ... a spray that you spray on your body and you are clean as you have showered .. This is scary what is this for things and where has she got them from?"

"Yes, at least I have ramen." Said Yeri

"Me too" all said at the same time.

They all laugh "You have to bring ramen." Joy said

"What do you have Unnie? Seulgi Asked

"Well I have my glass ball and magic books with me as usual. Said Irene

"Then you Wendy," said Seulgi

"Emm I have a photo album with pictures of my family"

"Oh, Let me see," said Seulgi

Wendy nodded and gave the Seulgi album

Seulgi opened and saw a girl like Wendy but still it was not Wendy.

"Who is that, your sister Wendy? Asked Seulgi

"Yes it is. She goes to Aria "

"Wow, why didn't you tell us about your sister," Irene said

"I don't remember her. She had to leave at an early age she is older than me so I was a kid. She has a dangerous power so she had to go there earlier by the school's principle "Wendy said with a sad look.

"Really, she's like me having a dangerous power. I can't wait to see her, "Seulgi exclaimed.

The bus stops and bus driver jumped out and opened the door to them.

"Now we're here," he said with a smile on his lips.

They all jumped out and took their bags.

They looked in front of them and they saw a large gate with a large wall.

"What is this?" Asked Irene with a silly grimace.

The driver looked at her "This is Aria Academy"

It was probably 190 meters high.

A teacher came out of a small gate where a guard was standing

"Are you the new students?" Asked the blonde teacher.

"Yes we are," they all said.

"Welcome to Aria Academy. My name is Lee soo man, nice to "He said with the arms in the weather

It was completely silent and the girls began to walk towards the gate.

"What's with him. Can't we just get in sometime. "Irene said and began to move toward the gate while the others were hanging on.

"Wait for me," he said, and laugh a little.

They stood in front of the gate and the guard opened the gate. It was slow so they stod there for a while and just stared.

When it was well up, they quickly went in and Lee soo man had to go quickly after them. "Hoho wait for me!" He said with a silly voice.

What the girls didn't know was that Aria Academy is super strict with contact with the outside world.

(A/N: I was not so happy with this chapter and there is much wrong grammar and it was super boring too. I'm sorry!)

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