Chapter 8

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"Seulgi this is our deal."

"If you're stuck and can't get out"

"Your only choice is to take suicide"

"I hope you understand its for the schools best and you know what will happen to those most important to you" Said ESP.

"She ran away anyway. What is she thinking!" Said Yeri. Yeri runs away from Irene and Seulgi's direction and tries to find someone from the school to get in touch with. She runs around the corner and sees a phone. She tries as quickly as possible to get money to put in the phone. She notices that someone is breathing behind her before she can run, she has a hand over her mouth.


"Did you really think we would let them run away so easily. I sent the guards to catch them. Before you put the whole place into a fire sea I want you to know why you want to go back to school. you join us we can let the two come back to school "seungri said with a smirk.

Everyday since I started school it has felt like someone has pushed me in the way and I have not been able to protect the school or my friends. Im sick of all this.

"They're probably far away from us now. So why not start now you don't care right?" Seulgi Said with a serious tone.

Seungri and his guards backed away and swallowed hard.

"I've started them now so you know. Now you have time to escape if you want" Seulgi Said with a silly smirk.

"Seulgi stop," Seulgi feels that someone is jumping on to her and pushing her down to the ground.

"Your idiot, you really thought about to kill yourself. Do you have a death wish open your eyes your silly bear!" Irene yelled to her.

"Why did you come back?" Seulgi asked completely tired.

"That was a stupid question. I would never leave you behind, Seulgi do you hear me !?"

"But but my power ..." Seulgi Said before her powers in the body disappeared.

"It was stupid of you  Seulgi can no longer use her power now just because you came. You destroyed her concentration," Seungri told Irene.

"But but..."

"No more but" Seungri said, grabbing her arm. Irene saw in the corner of his eye the Tube from before. She moved her other arm so he would not notice what she was doing and grabbed it and slammed it straight into his head. He loses his grip on Irene. Here was the chance to escape, Irene grabbed Seulgi and ran as fast as she could out of the place.

"Hey they are running!" Irene heard one of the guards say. She tries to run with Seulgi's arm around her neck and tries to help Seulgi run with her. Irene was so focused on running so she forgot to check where they were running so they both run into an electrical cabinet and falls down to the ground.

"We have them!" Two guards come running towards them and pick up each one. Irene tries to get out of one guard's grip with kicks and bitting. The guard gets angry and throws Irene against a wall. Seulgi sees everything and gets really annoyed her powers are coming back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2022 ⏰

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