Piano Boy meets Whisperer

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Dedicated to Kiyami333
Hope you enjoy❤️

Louis POV

Being ordered to do a supply run in the morning is hard work, especially when food supplies are low already. Louis, Aasim and Violet were politely ordered by the new leader, Clementine, to go on a mission for supplies.
That included materials, food, medicine and anything for potential weapons.

"Ya know, this is a bonding experience for all of us." Louis chirped, swinging around his chair leg weapon, Chairles.
Aasim just huffed in annoyance. "Well, I wish it wasn't because you are annoying." He retorted.
"Ouch. You're breaking my heart." Louis replied back, not offended.
Growing annoyed by the petty exchange, Violet snapped "Can you two shut up and focus?"
"Wow Vi, lighten up." Louis snapped back, just wanting to mess around.

Not long after the exchange, there was a small looking building at the end of the road. There was no safe zone anymore, which meant the supply runs could venture to wherever they thought was best. After all, survival 8 years into the apocalypse was starting to get harder.

"Straight in and straight out, okay? I don't want to be hanging around longer than needed." Violet spoke simply, grabbing her meat cleaver for protection.
"Right. Get anything that you find, and meet back here in 1 hour." Aasim confirmed. Louis was listening, just didn't speak.
The creepy sound of a herd could not be denied much longer. That meant time to leave soon.

Stupidly, the group of three teens split apart in separate ways. Something about covering more ground faster. Louis was looking in one corner, and failed to realise the hour had passed.
However, an hour went by and Louis still hadn't returned. The herd of growing walkers was edging closer by now.

"Violet, we have to go now!" Aasim whisper shouted, needing her to leave her best friend behind.
"No, we can't leave him behind! He's one of us." Violet retorted, attempting to get out of his grip.
"There's no time. We will come back for him! But, for now, move!" He said one last time before grabbing her and running.

Louis was hidden in a small locker, still in the building. Aside from the walkers moaning, the only noise was his heavy breathing in an attempt to calm down.
The dread head heard the entire exchange and knew it was a waiting game. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Was all he could muster, trying to calm himself.

"Psssttt." A unfamiliar voice spoke.
Louis strained his ears, wanting to know who it was. It definitely wasn't a walker.
"Hello?" He spoke again.
Louis decided to reply, warily. "In the locker."
After giving his whereabouts to the stranger, a man in a walker mask opened the locker from the outside. He had a mask covering his whole face, but could see the strangers Asian eyes. They were a dark chocolate colour.

"Oh my god, you're my knight in shining armour." Louis spoke, relief washing over him.
"I'm James. Now, do what I say if you want to live." The boy said, through his mask.
"Aye aye captain. I'm Louis by the way." Was his witty reply.
Handing Louis another mask, James explained the next steps. "Walk like them, don't make noise and be slow."

Seeing the spare walker mask, Louis took it and observed it. It was clearly real from the smell it gave off.
"Functional and fashionable. I'll take two." Louis said with a wink. He was referring to the
"Ha, funny." The boy dumbly replied. Oh no he's hot.
James spoke again, "I met your friend, Clementine, a few weeks ago. It seems like your group always needs help these days."
"Hmm, yeah. Tricky situations recently." Was Louis's simple explanation.

Setting off, Louis and James were close behind each other, ensuring not to blow their cover. If they did, it could result in death very easily.
Louis was panicking slightly at the situation, since he didn't like the idea of being so close to deadly walkers. James did the walker act easily, almost like second nature. His whole walk mirrored exactly like how a real undead person walked.

By now, they were weaving between full hallways of the abandoned building. There was little room for the pair, and were squished against the undead. It was terrifying.
"Dude, I'm seriously freaking out." The dread head mumbled from under the mask. The stress was getting to him.
"Take deep breathes. They can smell fear." The whisperer replied, trying to help.
With gritted teeth, he responded "That doesn't help. At all."
There was a slight delay in reply, eventually James said "That's okay because we're out now."

True to his word, the pair reached the safety of the empty woods. The walkers were too busy chasing a thrown rock to realise humans were around.
"Man, you're a saviour." Louis heaved, finally able to breathe.
"Yeah, I get that a lot." James shrugged off. He continued, "Find your friends and say hi to Clementine for me."
And just like that, he walked off into the woods like it never happened.

James was just a random guy in the woods, that liked saving people.

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I do take requests, check out the first chapter for more information.

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