Clouis Prompts (Clean)

585 24 25

This is how I believe Clem and Louis would be like if they had a relationship outside of the apocalypse.
All are based in a modern AU.

- Louis is always the first one to text in the morning, and last at night.

"Good morning sleepyhead, wake your ass up before I do it myself"
"Wishing you sweet dreams about me"

- Clem will eye roll almost everyday, but she always has a smile on her face when she does. She loves his dorky behaviour.

- Louis loves teasing Clem about her little secrets. Such as she still wears her hat to sleep, but didn't want anyone to know.

- Clem will always pretend to be angry, but she has a certain wrinkle around her eyebrows when she's faking it. Only Louis has picked up on it, but he hasn't told her that.

- Louis favourite key ring is a piano emoji which has C+L scratched into the back of it.

- Clem's favourite thing about Louis is his smile. It radiates a type of happiness that only him can accomplish.

- Louis's favourite thing about Clem is her hat. She looks flawless with or without it. But he also likes to borrow it sometimes, and wear it.

- Vi and Marlon can only imagine how in love the pair are. In groups, they act like best friends and can constantly joke and mindlessly flirt. In private, that's when things intensive.

- And lastly, Louis is a bottom.

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