That Boy is Mute Scrapped Plot Points

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Just as a quick one, this chapter is going to be a quick summary of plot points that were going to be in TBIM, but never made the final cut.
Some are sad, some are happy.

Some of these points were fully written out, but got scrapped last minute.
Check out previous chapters of this book to read them.

- To start off lightly, Clem was never meant to be an amputee. I had gone back and forth with the idea and nearly didn't add it in there. But, I finally decided I should add it in because it's a unique plot point and would be interesting.

In a way, I also wanted to bring light to the idea of people being amputees, as many people are put off by it or it makes them uncomfortable. I wanted to make it a normal aspect of their relationship.

- Derek was never meant to break Louis's arm in the library. I wanted some drama with Derek but I never intended it to be that far.

Louis was going to stand up for himself there and then, and Derek would've left him alone.

But, I decided to go ahead with it anyway because I felt like the book needed a really big heart break in there.

- Nicky and Matt were never meant to become a couple. It was meant to be Louis's biological dad, David, that returned.

In the end, I decided that wasn't a good idea and wanted a brand new father-figure for Louis and Matt was the perfect character for that. His personality is kind and open, everything unlike David.

Matt and Nicky have a history anyway. I wanted to also show that if it's meant to be, it'll be.

- Louis's older brother was never meant to die. I had ideas for him to be protective, and have a dislike to Clementine after what Erin has done years before.

As it turns out, the tragic car crash idea made things feel harder but I felt it was the best option for Louis's development. Him having to accept it, grieve and also deal with becoming a Mute is a hard thought.

- I wanted there to be some drama, but also realistic. All of the things that occurred, I believe to be realistic enough to actually happen, but also make readers shocked, angry and happy.

All at the same time.

- I never once planned for Louis and Clem to break up. I knew from the start that whatever they went through, they would get through it. Together.

So just remember this when reading That Girl is an Amputee.

- Clem and Louis were originally meant to "do it" a lot earlier on than when it actually did. I was going to have it within the first half of the book, but that wouldn't have worked. If that did happen, it would've felt off, rushed and forced.

Louis's character in TBIM is very insecure, unsure of himself and thinks that everyone thinks low of him. So, that's why it took so long for him to feel confident and comfortable enough to "do it".

I wanted that aspect of their relationship to be as realistic and accurate as possible.

- Some scenes in That Girl is an Amputee are direct ideas from my own life. Such as, things I've heard about else where or experienced close to me (family, friends etc).

I won't say which ones as sometimes secrets is fun.

- Clementine and Gabe were cruelly going to get behind Louis back, and become a secret couple. That meant Louis would've been cheated on by the second girl he's ever liked.

I scrapped this because I felt it was too much drama for a character that would never do that anyway. Louis deserves better. Clem would never. And I didn't want Gabe to be too much of a main character.

- Clementine was supposed to die at the end of TBIM. Chapter 50 was going to stay the exact same as the final version, and chapter one of the That Girl is an Amputee would be everyone (including Louis) finding out that she had died.

I scrapped this because I really couldn't bring myself to do it. Also, the sequel would've been slightly wasted as it would have been mostly Louis grieving, moving on and accepting it.

Also, many of you guys probably would've come after me in the comments for it!

Any opinions on these? Which would you have disliked or liked, and why?

Don't forget, the sequel to That Boy is Mute is out now. New chapters every Tuesday and Saturday.

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