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My thoughts rush back to that time when I killed my first rabbit. My first feeling was victory. I'd tried many times to hit something, but I was not a great shot. My second feeling was shock. I had taken an innocent life. And the third feeling. Guilt. Why did I do it? Why was I excited that I hurt something? I thought all of that, but eventually realised that the alien was trying to kill me. I had no choice. I really want to know where the other people are. With a faint hope I remember that my best friend wasn't at school today. He might still be alive. Neither was my girlfriend. They might be alive. I grab my bike from the garage and launch out onto the street. It's mostly downhill to Eva's house. I skid to a stop outside her house, drop my bike on the lawn and look for the spare key. Don't ask me how I know where the key to my girlfriend's house is. I unlock the door and swing it open. The hall is dark. Shadows creep up the wall towards me. Someone or something is moving. I listen closely. THUD. What's that?! Oh no! A monster similar to the ones I was chased by at the school is moving towards the end of the hallway. That's where Eva's room is! I silently draw my gun from my pocket where I put it and aim. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! I fire of three bullets and peer at the aftermath. The monster's body is slumped in the hallway, and a sticky green liquid burns its way through the floor. I step over it carefully and make my way down to Eva's room, gun at the ready. I open her door a crack and see her lying on her bed.i run over to check her pulse and find it still going. I let out a deep breath and try to wake her. She's unconscious. She wakes with a start muttering something about a doughnut and two elephants. "waaa? Where am I?"." Sup Eva" I say softly. "Oh hey Leo. She says, completely unfazed that I'm in her room with a gun when she has woken up. She finally realises that I'm actually real and jumps a little. "So.....Leo ....why are you here?" She asks sceptically. "Well, it's kinda weird, but we are two of the last people on earth, and aliens have taken everyone else". To my surprise, she doesn't seem affected by that. Like she had been expecting it. "So the dream was right. That means....NOOOOO!" She screams. I sit down on her bed and hug her. " it's going to be all right Eva. We'll find a way out of this" I say soothingly. She hugs me back and looks at my gun. " where'd you get that?" She asks. " oh, you know...on the kitchen bench". "Oh". I get up and move to the door. I open it and look outside. Where the hallway used to be is a cavern that drops straight down as far as I can see. "Woah. Eva! There is a huge hole outside your door. Don't walk outside". I say. She comes to stand next to me. And before I know it she's kissing me. Really passionately. She does this occasionally, and I haven't quite got used to it yet. It's a bit weird. And that's when the window on the other side of the room shatters and my best friend flies in.

Hey guys! I just wanted to know if that was a long enough chapter. Please leave any feedback and a vote after you read. Hope you guys all like my story. I need name Ideas for the last 20. Please suggest some! Thanks for reading my story.

#YOLO! Jaxinaction

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